
I was driving on 152 east just past LosBanos Ca.Inoticed a CHP speed monitor.Is It Photo radar?

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I was driving on 152 east just past LosBanos Ca.Inoticed a CHP speed monitor.Is It Photo radar?




  1. Will,

    I've been through that stretch several times and to answer your question:

    NO!  It is radar but it isn't "photo radar".  The CHP puts it out there so you can see how fast you're going and hopefully it will make you think twice about speeding, looks like their plan worked.  I will tell you however that many times they put out the "radar monitor" and many people look around for the CHP's.....they don't see any and start speeding & then get caught.

    Highway 152 eastbound is a very popular place for the CHP to clock your speed by an airplane.  The eastbound lane is marked (just to the right of the emergency parking lane in white paint) every mile, the mile markers are actually numbered.

    Put the cruise on at 65 MPH (the speed limit), turn on some music, and save yourself about $300.


    (Driving School owner in Fresno)

  2. Nice answer John. Will, btw, now that you know this, please do not attempt to break any land speed records by speeding by the unit. You also never know when an officer is lurking nearby. I don't go by there often only when I'm on business in CA and yes I've seen the unit and been nailed by CHP for speeding once.

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