
I was driving on NJ turnpike and was hit by a minivan who in turn had been hit by a car. ?

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Can i make a claim against the driver of the minivan as she was following too closely even though she hit me only because she was hit by the car behind her? The accident happened in NJ




  1. Yes, the minivan was following too closely, assuming both your vehicles were moving at the time.

  2. This happened to me in WI except I was the most rear car. I hit the person in front of me and they hit the person in front of them. I was only at fault for the car directly in front of me and the middle car was at fault for the car in front of him. The front car was not at fault for anything even though in my opinion the whole accident happened because the first driver slammed on the brakes for no reason.

  3. Yes you can.  Her insurer will likely seek contribution from the other tortfeasor.  Joint and Several Liability will likely apply.  

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