
I was driving on the FREE WAY yesterday and all of a sudden a sign hits my car. I couldnt pull over because i?

by  |  earlier

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was in the car pool lane, this is what happen the driver in front of me ran it over first and it went up in the air and hit the side of my bumper leaving a big white schatch. What do I do?




  1. DO NOT report it to your insurance company.  If the damage total is roughly your deductible or less just pay out of pocket for the fix.  You will lose your no claim discount if you claim with your insurance company.  So in the long run it is better to just pay out of pocket.

  2. that sucks so much

  3. the legit way would be to report it to your insurance company and pay the deductible to get it fixed...

  4. its on your bumper, its just a scratch so go to the carstore (supacheap auto) and fix it yourself.

    (you could also pull the bumper off, sand it back, bogfil and then sand again. sand then with a smaller file sandpaper then spray it. if you spray it with a darker colour underneath and then spray with your normal colour when you sand it back you can see if there are any dents because the dark colour will come through. which means, if you want it done properly you will have to repeat the process.) but if you care about your car youll put in the effort.

    or if youre too lazy to do this (or pay someone a shitload of money to do it for you) use a paint pen to touch up.


    ALSO, i think you should make a police statement so that if there is any problems with your car or you want them to compensate you later you have a paper trail and you will need it for reference and records later to show you were doing the right thing.

  5. You could try to sue the district that manages the freeway, but you'll probably die of old age before they get back to you. Get a couple or three estimates for the cost of repairs and compare that to your insurance deductible. If the cost is substantially more than the deductible, file a claim and have them pay the balance according to your policy. If the cost is less, leave your insurance company out of it and just pay the cost out of pocket in order to protect your policy holder's rating.

  6. Get some touch up paint at a local parts store.   Take your VIN in with you to ensure a proper match.   (VIN is the number you see when looking through the bottom left of most windshields.    A quality parts store can read this number to know the proper name and number for your color scheme)      

    And in the future,  don't follow the car in front of you so closely to give you more time to avoid this type incident.

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