
I was extremely alarmed by TIME magazines article this week about BIOFuel and the Brazil Rain Forest - link?

by Guest64790  |  earlier

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Its titled the clean energy scam -,9171,1725975,00.html

My question is if these people in power are not going to do something to save and protect the enviroment than do you believe drastic measures should be taken to combat the problem. And, what I mean by drastic measures - I mean terroristic attacks on business's that clear-but rain forest or terroristic attacks on leaders that are let these things happen. Seriously, whats more important - an ignorant leader that can change the face of the planet with a pen-stroke or 10000 sq miles of precious rain forest?




  1. Terrorisim never solves only causes more.  

    There are going to be pros and cons to all alternative energy sources.

  2. Terrorism created this country people. We only won our war for independence because of guerrilla warfare (and the French - how easily we forget that one).  The winners write history, the losers are terrorists.

  3. I'm a little suspicious about this article because soya beans are not just grown for fuel (they are probably the most unlikely to be used in fuel) they are used for pretty much everything Brazil has also been slashing and burning for years now not because of biofuels but because the soil is very poor so you can only farm land for a few years before you ned to move on. i sounds like he dose have a agenda in writing this story but i have been aware of the link between bio fuels and environmental problems for years now.

    the main problems come from Asia where rain Forrest (especially around Borneo ) have been cleared to grow palm oil. although palm oil is used in most processed foods the whole bio fuel revolution has pushed up prices and has lead to more farming.

    there is also that water use and fertiliser use. bio fuels are only being pushed as green by politicians and lobbyists. the farming lobby has been pushing for ethanol for years now because it will push up grain prices. this is just another case of special interest groups pushing there agenda.

  4. Terrorisim isn't going to solve anything, you shouldn't have to resort to violence to get people to aggree to your cause, and it you did more people would hate than love you and what you stand for.

  5. Nothing will change until peoples demand for its resources ends.

  6. Well this is old news, but you can't beat Time's timing on it.  Yes, for years the Bush Administration has been paying developing countries to invest in obsolete ethanol technology that has been proven not to work so they could get them to cut down their rain forests and waste billions of dollars.  For years the environmentalists have complained about it.  It's just one more example of the Administration's policy of "plan something that will fail" when it comes to environment.  None of what they are doing with alternate fuels or vehicles is anything other than creating a general horror.  So what was your question? How to fix it?  Vote someone into office who is not an unabashed crook, I guess..

  7. Here in Oregon , We have millions of "dead trees" that are still good to build anything you you choose too, but they are not allowed to be harvest. But the   environmentalist would rather cut "Healthy trees" in China, the rain forest, and Canada. This tell me Environmentalist groups do not give a rat`s about Global warming. Healthy trees give clean air. Dead trees take away healthy air! We have our own terrorist and they are called environmentalist.

  8. I worked in the rain forest in Ecuador for 12 years. As hard as we tried to clear the land for roads the rain forest would grow it back. I have Sean limbs cut from trees to build a fence to keep cattle off the road ,actually sprout and grow until the cattle could walk under the wire. The rain forest is about 20 and man 1.

  9. Yea i just posted a question about this.

  10. If drastic measures are needed, only the government in power can implement them.  Random token violence just draws attention from the feds and makes it hard to solicit donations.

    Violence also attracts those interested in destroying stuff, and they don't care for what cause.  An arsonist can burn houses in the name of the environment, but they still LOVE to burn houses and would like to do so regardless of the slogan they spouted.

    Before going off on yet another crusade,  understand that activist environmentalists have been preaching alternative fuels for a long time ... they got their wish.

    Were there unintended consequences?  Big time.

    You think anyone in power cares?  Why should they?  They just point blame at the environmentalists.

  11. as the article in your link proves, global warming activists are destroying the rain forest, causing starvation & bringing us closer to global war & social chaos by their actions in helping to perpetuate mass hysteria.

    hopefully some of them will start to recognize the very serious results of their actions

  12. Terrorism is never the answer for "Environmental" problems.  Right here in N. America - just to prove that the oil pipeline is a danger to animals - environmentalists sabotage the oil line!   Yeah, guess they showed the world the danger of oil pollution!

    Bio fuel ALSO means higher food prices!  In the U.S. instead of using coal (one of the largest sources of coal in the world is in the U.S.) for a fuel source we are using "food growing land" to produce corn for an additive to gasoline!  This is the most ineficient use of energy production that you can get - but it is politically correct!

    P.S. Coal was converted to ersatz fuel during WWII by the Germans.  For the last few years of war the Germans ran almost the whole country on fuel from coal!  Now over 60 years later our we can safely burn coal or convert it to a liquid fuel but politics prevents this!  With scrubbers and processing coal (our most abundant fuel in America) can be utilized and in the process flipping the "bird" to MidEastern sources!  We simply have no politicians with guts to push this through though!

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