
I was fasting for the whole day for Shaban till I got my period half an hour ago, it is only 45 mins away from

by Guest63744  |  earlier

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It is only 45 mins away from the Athan, should I keep on fasting or is it over for me? Will it be counted as I fasted or not?




  1. Depends what color the blood is, if deep red then you can eat, and will count as if you fasted, if light red, then you can still fast.

    Edit: Allah is not offended, he wants to make it easier on women, cause you know what kind of mood you all get in, when it's that time of the month.

    Edit: Ok ok stop the thumb down, i am man enough to admit i might be wrong, because my answer came from memory, but i will check later.

    Edit: Good answer Ducky

  2. no it does not count and should eat as it is your period...

  3. @  who am I PLEASE READ:

    Whoever considers the women during their menstruation or post-natal bleeding 'unclean' is ignorant about Islam and its beautiful teachings.

    Islam does not consider a menstruating woman to possess any kind of "contagious uncleanness". She is neither "untouchable" nor "cursed." She practises her normal life with only one restriction: A menstruating woman is exempted from some rituals such as daily prayers and fasting during her period- trust me some woman would not be able to fast or to pray 5 times a day since some get severly ill. Indeed Allah (swt) is All-Wise!


    Thankyou FTL ;)


    @ Who am I

    It is not the woman who is impure, but rather the blood which is impure

    They ask you concerning menstruation. Say: that is an Adha (a harmful thing for a husband to have a sexual intercourse with his wife while she is having her menses), therefore keep away from women during menses and go not unto them till they have purified (from menses and have taken a bath). And when they have purified themselves, then go in unto them as Allaah has ordained for you (i.e.go into them in any manner as long as it is in their v****a) Truly, Allaah loves those who turn to Him in repentance and he loves those who purify themselves (by taking ghusl and washing and purifying theirprivate parts, bodies, for their prayers, etc.) (al-baqarah 2:222)

    The word: أَذًى (Adhaa) meaning it is a harm. The shar'ee meaning is that the menses blood is Najis. The linguistic meaning is that when women are in menses cycle, they are harmed i.e. some find pain and difficulty during this time.

    LOL you failed!!!

  4. Its over,go and eat.


  5. lol why is allah so offended by periods?

    why did he create women this way and then call his own creation unclean?

    i find it really odd 0.o

    EDIT: to ninja ducky please read

    Surah Baqara (2.222)  

    They ask thee concerning women’s courses. Say: They are a hurt and a pollution: So keep away from women in their courses, and do not approach them until they are clean. But when they have purified themselves, ye may approach them in any manner, time, or place ordained for you by Allah. For Allah loves those who turn to Him constantly and He loves those who keep themselves pure and clean. (Yusuf Ali)

    They question thee (O Muhammad) concerning menstruation. Say: It is an illness, so let women alone at such times and go not in unto them till they are cleansed. And when they have purified themselves, then go in unto them as Allah hath enjoined upon you. Truly Allah loveth those who turn unto Him, and loveth those who have a care for cleanness. (Pickthal)

    EDIT: ninja ducky who is a more famous translator of koran, u or Pickthal? i am using Pickthal translation. Yes I know it says harm , Pickthall says 'illness' but it also says menstruating women are unclean why r u denying it says this?

  6. i think its over :)

    dnt worry theres still ramadan :)

  7. dear, this day is counted as fasting but you must eat and finish fasting the minite you had your period , for your health, God made fasting as a healthy act plus the reward, as all HIS commands, so dont make it hard for your self ,because HE made it easy for us.

  8. Nopes Go and take Out ur Always Extra Heavy Flow ones !

  9. Don't fast when your on your rag, you will get dizy!i

  10. ewww. why do we men have to hear this?

  11. no its over sorry

    that reli sucks dun it :P

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