
I was fired from my job while that legal?

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I missed some days due to my pregnancy. But I had hospital notes to cover my absences.




  1. unless you have been there less than 90 days, i would say try to look into it,. but if you havnt been there more than 90 days, you could still be in a probation period, where thay can fir e you for no reason

  2. it really depends on the company and its rules. did you miss a lot prior to your pregnancy? at my job we can only miss 5 days with a doctors note a year (none without) i think its bull, but some companies don't give a **** about their employees

  3. Maybe, but only if you couldnt fulfil your duties. How many days is a few? Maybe they took this to be too many, but even still if you had sick days to cover the absence and doctors cert, then NO its not legal at all.

  4. If your office has more than 15 employees, no firing you has been illegal since 1964.  

    If there is part of your question that you are leaving out, such as you did not give an hour notice before your shift began or broke some other type of company attendance policy - then you could be terminated for breaking company policy, but not for being pregnant.

    If your office has less than 15 employees, it is important to realize how significant the percentage of your contribution is to the office and that your absence may directly impact other employees' incomes.  Normally in that situation, most small shops will give you at least two weeks separation and an open invitation back out of good will.

  5. Did they fire you while you were pregnant or BECAUSE you were pregnant?  There's a big difference.

  6. perhaps you should have taken a leave if one was available.. what was their reason for firing you.. they probablly won't say it was cause you where pregnant. there is nothing illegal about firing someone whom is pregnant..

  7. Thats terrible that they would fire you =[ I don't think its illegal however it is ****** up!!

  8. Most employment is on an at will basis, meaning it can be terminated by either party at any time for any or no reason, unless you had it drawn up in some contract, then you probably don't have a case.  

  9. I would contact your company " Human Resourse Dept", I would then contact your county " Job Center", If you get no help, contact your county court house, if that doesn't work, get a lawyer. If what you are telling me is correct, they are wrong.

  10. November 2004, the statute of limitations may have already passed. Consult an attorney.


  11. i dont think that is fair, and you should do somthing about it,, if you mean "for"being pregnant.

  12. No that's definitely not legal!

  13. It depends on where you work. Since so many states are "at will", they can fire without reason.

    If you can prove you were fired because you're pregnant, then you might have a case. But you really need to get your records and personnel file in order. Depending on your absences prior to your pregnancy might have had a hand in getting you fired.

  14. Did they tell you it was because of your pregnancy or did they trump up some bs reason

  15. if you didn't call and inform them when you were absent, they may have assumed you abandoned the job.  Otherwise, I don't believe they could fire you for an excused absence.  There is something about the family leave act that may cover this.

    2004!  Oh, no, now you will just look like someone who wants a free ride.  The only way they could be preventing you from getting a job now, 4 years later, is slandering you while giving references.  Most likely, there are other reasons you're not able to get a job.  Have you really been looking for a job steadily for 4 years?

  16. I'm going to tell you straight forward.

    Maybe you were not a good employee.

    If you have any records to the contrary and you feel you can prove that you were fired because you were pregnant then I would sue the h**l out of that company!

  17. I'm pretty sure it's legal unless you are under contract,but you should have a lawyer look further into it.

  18. nope....get a lawyer.

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