
I was given a betta fish on Sunday,the fish is not very active and the water is cloudy. What can i do?

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I was given a betta fish on Sunday,the fish is not very active and the water is cloudy. What can i do?




  1. not active=not happy

    water cloudy=use a filter aid product made by interpet it will make the water crystal clear also do  regular water changes try 15-25% water change once a week this should help to stop the water going cloudy make sure u dont over feed as this can make the water conditions go cloudy too hope this helps u out and good luck  

  2. clean out fish bowl

  3. hes a clean, tropical fish swimming and breathing from a cold, tin cess pool.

    im sorry but bettas reall DO need a tnak of atleast 5 filtered, heated gallons to thrive. they perk up, move more and have more vivd colors=]

  4. I have a beta fish to they are not active fish at all I have had mine a year ad a half I have found that they are more active at night. As far as the cloudy water you should change the water but let the water sit in a pitcher next to the tank for a while so there is no clorine left and the tempature can even out so you don't shock the fish they can die from that. Save a little water from before and put it in with the clean water beta fish like murky water but not to dirty. I used to keep My fish super clean but found the dirty water made him more active try that and if that doesn't work it may be to cold where he is they are tropical fish but they will not die from being is cool water but they will if its 50 or lower good luck hope I helped.  

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