
I was given a car without a pink slip and the person giving me the car is in custody how do i get the pinkslip

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I was given a car without a pink slip and the person giving me the car is in custody how do i get the pinkslip




  1. A car title is a document which proves ownership of a vehicle. It also has useful information like the car's mileage at last sale. Without a title, there is no way to prove that you own a vehicle except by going into the department of motor vehicles and asking them to pull up your title record. When a car is sold without the title, the implication is that the car may be stolen, and this could be problematic for the purchaser. It may also be difficult for the buyer to register a car which has been sold without the title.

    You need to get all the info from the seller.

  2. You need to contact the police and ask if you can take any recourse.  It's going to be difficult to prove you own the car without the ownership title.  Do you have any kind of receipt at all?  Any witnesses to the purchase of the car?  Did you pay by check or credit card?  If so, you have a traceable record of the money.

  3. The previous owner has the responsibility to provide you with a merchantable title.  You have the responsibility to make sure you get one before handing over the money for the vehicle.  You need to contact the previous owner, no matter where he may be, and demand a merchantable title from him

  4. Oh mamma, you got screwed.  The title is certificate of ownership.  You should have never given the money with a title.

    Just nag the family for the TITLE.  At the worst give the family a little incentive ($$$) for coming up with the title (and give a dead line).

    Good Luck...

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