
I was given a puppy that is 1 month old and was not told the breed of it. can someone help me ?

by  |  earlier

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she is going to grow up being a small breed. she is hairy and her hair is soft. her ears fold down and her snout i believe will be round but also kind of long




  1. why were you told not to breed the dog??? and at 4 weeks old, you shouldn't even have the dog. they dog should still be with its mother and litter mates till  at least 8 weeks old. How are you feeding Him/her?

  2. i dont know the breed but i do know this pup should still be with its mother for another just started weaning.. :( poor pup

  3. Yikes.

    4 weeks is too young to be away from Mom.

    No way to tell the breed without pictures!  It is probably too young to tell the breed anyhow.

  4. could you post a picture?when puppies are really young, its hard to tell what breed it is:by 4-5months gets easier to tell.

  5. You should take the puppy to the vet.  They can usually tell what breed it is, and tell you how to take care of a puppy so young.

  6. 4 weeks is wayy too young.

    pups being weaned to early result in aggression to others not the owner though.

    well all puppies hair is soft.. what color is she?

    maltese im guessing.  

  7. mini schnauzer? maybe. can't be sure without seeing her

  8. That puppy, is way too young, to have been taken away from it's mom and it's siblings. The puppy should still be nursing from it's mom, and is too young to be weaned. Staying with mom, gives the puppy a much better chance of survival. You need to take this puppy back, to the idiot, who gave it to you, and return the puppy to it's mom, until it is at least 8 weeks old, at the youngest. Small breeds, really need to stay with their mom and siblings, until 10-12 weeks. That's the time they learn all the social skills from their mom and siblings, and they end up with better temperaments, when they get older. Puppies that young need special care. It is actually ILLEGAL, to sell or give away a puppy, before it is at least 8 weeks old. I find it hard to believe, that someone would be stupid enough, to let a puppy go that young! That's just INSANE!!! As far as what kind of dog it is, it's impossible to tell you that, without a picture. If you can add a photo of the puppy, we can give you a better idea, of what breed it is!

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