
I was going to adopt some hamsters but having problems, can I sue?

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After the interview, the adoption agency said, and I quote "...The nature of my desire to own hamsters is questionable to say the least." They also said that I don't have sufficient space to have a hamster circus ranch... I begged their pardon and questioned if they were aware of real estate prices in LA.. They got all huffy and kicked me out. Can I sue?




  1. Perhaps you should consider adopting your hamsters internationally.  An orphan hamster from overseas is the latest fashion accessory.

    But really, my heart bleeds for you.  I have a friend who's been waiting seven years to get the perfect, healthy, tiny pink baby hamster.  She really, really wants one.  It's so not fair.

    I was adopted as a young hamster and I thank god every day I was not reabsorbed by my S****y, crack-addicted hamster mother.

  2. Those are not your hamsters, and can never be your hamsters.  You did not give birth to them, so you can't just take them as if you had a right to take care of them.  You would be stealing their identity, their culture, their sense of who they are.  Why do you have such a sense of entitlement, thinking that you can just "buy" another person's hamsters like that?  Just because you have the money and space to have a hamster circus ranch?  That doesn't make you their family!  People like you, who use hamsters for their own, selfish gain just make me sick.  If you don't have a hamster, so what? Maybe you should just accept that you are not supposed to have a hamster!  You hamster kidnapper!

  3. maybe they thought that with the height differential that you wanted to be a dictator over them .... and not a nice one at that.

  4. Go to Suffolk co.NY or Bergen co.NJ  either one will look the other way.If they act indifferent just slip a few dollars under the table,they'll love you.

  5. They are right....... you couldn't feed a house fly with your income coming in.

  6. Not if you were in Australia but Im sure based on the fact that you are in the USA you could

  7. You can sue for (1) specific performance; (2) negligent infliction of emotional distress; (3) intentional infliction of emotional distress; (4) fraud/detrimental reliance; (5) tortious interference, and (6) negligence per se.  Your prayer could include special damages, general damages, punitive damages, exemplary damages, and such further relief as the Court deems fit and proper.  If your complaint is demurred to, you most likely will be granted leave to file a First Amdended Complaint.  Once these egregious and spurious defendants are forced to file an answer, make a settlement demand for two million dollars, and settle for $500,000.  A good lawyer will easily get that for you.  After all, he gets a third of your settlement.  Still, $350,000 dollars ain't bad.  And just think of all the happy little hamsters you could afford to buy with that kind of change.

    You could also make a federal case out of it and file your matter in the U.S. District Court for the Central District of California on the grounds of violation of your civil rights and diversity.  You may have a better chance in federal court, although punitive damages are a little harder to come by under federal jurisdiction.

  8. show me where to sign up

  9. I heard there are lots of foster hamsters.  Maybe you can be a foster parent from them.  Once they see how good you are with the hamsters, they will probably let you adopt them.

  10. Sue them go on you know you want to.  :)

  11. I for one would never let you near any hamsters or furry creatures ,what-so-ever, so there!

  12. Why not adopt the hamsters mother and help raise your new grandhamsters and adopted mother hamster. Then you could do a private adoption and it could benefit all of you.

  13. Wrong rodent, wrong town. You should be looking for gerbils in S.F.   RScott

  14. You should only adopt hamsters already wards of the state.  They may be older but they need a home too.  Perhaps you can take a special needs hamster into your home.  They require lots of attention so you should only take one, and then you won't need an entire ranch.

    Thanks for silly fun, I totally needed that today.

  15. what an imagination you have!

  16. I say s***w em all.. I think you need some fresh kitties in there.. they will take care of the rodents that you. have. This old kitty has never been fond of anything that looks like a rat..I will bite their little heads off and have their remains for supper the next night.. SUE? Who the h**l is Sue? Is she a hamster or squirrel scampering around..?

  17. I know a guy... you want hamsters... I know a guy.

  18. How about finding a surrogate hamster to have some baby hammies for you?

  19. What I wanna know is, If I believe in prayer and my boss does too then can she sue me for what happened to her car..

    Makes you wonder, huh!

  20. Maybe they heard what happened when you tried to take home a mail-order hamster from Indonesia.

    Maybe you could entertain the idea of switching to Squirrels for adoption?  They are cuter and you will get more women that way with a cute squirrel vs a smelly ol' adopted hamster that no one else wanted in the first place.

  21. Does it have to be hamsters?  I mean, everyone wants a hamster.  There are a lot of mice and gerbils that need to be adopted, though.  I think you'll have a better chance at meeting the requirements to adopt a gerbil or mouse, since they are smaller than hamsters, so require less space.  Try contacting the county rodent shelter and I'm sure they can help you with your adoption.


    Adopted Jane has a point.  The U.S. is a litigious land, indeed.  Here, you can sue Ben and Jerry's for making you fat...and WIN!

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