
I was going to buy a friend a ticket to a concert?

by  |  earlier

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my friend is a student so he doesn't have a lot of money and i'm pretty sure he likes the band, as he used to work in radio. a group of about 10 of us are going . should i ask if he wants to go before i buy or should i just buy the ticket and give it to him?




  1. If you can afford it and you know your friend would like to go I think that would be a very nice thing.  I like to do things for my friends when i know their hurtin for cash.  The world needs more people like that.  However if your friend is a free loader and takes advantage easily, then no.  He can sit at home and watch the bands videos on youtube.  Enjoy your concert. =)

  2. It'd be very nice of you to buy him a ticket...

  3. Buy the ticket and give it to him.  Tell him it's on you, and he owes you a drink.  If he declines, I'm sure you'll find someone to use it.

    It's very generous of you to do this.

  4. Just buy the ticket and invite him to go.

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