
I was having a bike but after a crash i am afraid to ride it. So now what to do to get off of my fear???

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I was having a bike but after a crash i am afraid to ride it. So now what to do to get off of my fear???




  1. Suck it up and get back on the bike. If you are always in fear of crashing you are never going to enjoy riding.  

  2. You have two choices.

    1. Play a bike racing video game to get excited about it and forget about your fear.

    Or the better option.

    2. Take 2 shots of vodka and all will be good.

  3. in life with all situations there are always 2 outcomes possible..

    things will be alright...  things will not be alright..

    if things are alright.. no problem.

    if things are not..  then there are 2 outcomes possible..

    you will live.... you will not live..

    if you live .. no problems..

    if you don't live... you cant worry about it anyway..

    everyone dies of something....    its how you live before you die that makes life worthwhile..

    bite the bullet & go for a ride...  it is fun..

  4. I know what I did when I crashed:

    I got back on in a parking lot, and rode it around until I felt better.

    I was injured pretty bad, it still hurts now and then 27 years later

    I have been fine since.

  5. it's all in you... i crashed pretty serious last month... the thought never crossed my mind about any fear or problem riding again.  i was too sore that night of the crash to do anything, but the next am after my crash, i was on the net bike shopping already.  you just gotta giver and keep going forward, don't look back

  6. Everyone knows you have to be confident in order to ride a motorcycle. Was your crash that bad? Well, my co-worker (no joke) crash twice. First time he broke his collar bone, second time his foot and his bike got totaled. Maybe because he was doing stunts on his cbr600 but he got a new bike now. Just have to be careful and have some confidence. Learn from your mistake and watch out for other drivers. Everyone crashes, no matter how skilled they are. Theres a saying: there are those who crashed, and there are those who will crash. Best advice I can give is learn from your mistake and ride carefully. Good luck  

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