
I was hit and had a lapse in coverage.?

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I was driving home yesterday (2003 4dr Hyundai Accent) and got creamed by somebody in the rear. He pretty well screwed up my bumper, trunk and completely took out a tail light. I can't drive my car the way it is and I don't know how much body work needs to be done at this point. When I called my insurance company to see what I needed to do, I found out my coverage lapsed. (Literally, cancelled the day before yesterday. I had it coming out as a direct debit, and I closed the account it came out of... ironically, I was on my way home to double check on this, and well.) So, I guess I was uninsured at the time of the impact. The cop who filed the report didn't say anything to me about it (I live in FL, insurance is required to drive.), but obviously my insurance doesn't cover the damages. I made a claim with my insurance anyway, but I was told it was in my interest to go through the guy who hit me's insurance company. I've been doing this, but I really don't know what to expect from here




  1. Florida is a no-fault state so I'm not sure how much luck you are going to have going through the other person's carrier regardless of fault.

    However, if your policy had just cancelled the day before, you may be able to talk to your agent and explain the situation and they may be able to get you reinstated without a lapse, although since you had an accident the insurance company is probably NOT going to want to do this.

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