
I was hit by a drunk driver, i was injured but not badly. What are my rights?

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I was hit by a drunk driver, i was injured but not badly. What are my rights?




  1. 1st  he/she will have to be convicted in civil court....they may provide repairs...pain suffering....stuff like that.

    If that doesn't work out get a lawyer.  Your settlement will take from 2 to 3 years.....good luck.

  2. Don't rush to get a lawyer.  If he was insured, make a claim against his insurance.  If he was not insured or doesn't have enough to cover your claim, make a claim against your uninsured/underinsured motorist insurance.

    If there is not enough insurance to cover your injuries and property damage, then you consult an attorney and sue him (if he has anything).

  3. sue them like every body else does

  4. You can say that the driver hit you on Pepys.

  5. One problem, if the other driver is convicted of DUI, there insurance becomes null and void, so you will have to sue him personally.

    If they haven't got much too lose, then they can declare bankruptcy, which makes your claim null and void.

    Go through your own insurance, your guaranteed a settlement that way.

    Your injuries are a separate issue, you will need a Solicitor to make a claim.

  6. You have alot of rights. Get a lawyer, you most likely won't even have to pay. Drunk drivers need to pay for their poor choices before someone gets killed.

  7. This is why they make lawyers.

  8. Just make sure you have the funds for te attourny Cuz even if he/she's convicted if they have no money thay will be allowed to pay small ammounts monthly.  This happened to a friend when his car was stolen and totalled.  He gets $45 a month for as long as it takes to pay off $17,000.

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