
I was holding my bird and i accsadently held her tail and she tryed to fly away and two of her............?

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tail feathers came off!!!!!!!!! please dont tell me to go to the vet of something. she wasnt bleeding or any thing serious i just want to no if she will grow her tail feathers back. (shes a parakeet)




  1. Yea sure I have those too so yea. They always grow back trust me lolz. Just next time don't squeeze it too much.

  2. to be honest i would have it checked by a vet anyway to be on the safe side, but that's in my nature to overreact when it comes to my birds or dogs. they may (it will take a long time if they do) and they may not grow back. We had a cockatiel  once who's tail feathers never grew back due to a similar incident involving one of my nephews. we just provided her with ladders so she could get up and about our living room because she couldnt fly. if the damage done with your bird is purely cosmetic and it does not cause the bird pain or stress then dont worry. but we did notice a change in the behavior of our bird when she could not fly, birds naturally fly, just like we walk so not being able to fly WILL effect your bird even if you dont notice it so watch out for that because she will then need you more than ever. hope this helps

  3. If it isn't bleeding, no worries......They grow back

    The ones that bleed are the ones that require a vet.  All they can really do though is put something similar to "new skin" on it to seal the hole until a feather starts growing.

  4. Its alright, haha as long as hes or shes not bleeding. then its fine, itll ake a while to grown back but no worries<33!

  5. Man, your parakeet is a lucky bird. Normally, when tail feathers come out, the bird instantly explodes. Make sure it doesn't happen again, because the explosion is pretty violent, and nobody likes to clean up exploded bird.

  6. Your bird is fine!  

    This is a natural behavior of birds: if frightened, their feathers come loose and they moult.  Grabbing the tail frightened her.  No problem; the feathers will grow back faster than you would think.  Just try to be more careful in the future, more to avoid frightening her than anything else.

    Besides, she will look better with all her tail feathers.  But she is not hurt.

  7. its not vet worthy.  Her feathers will grow back.  My nanday conure plucked his feathers and his skin till the point where he got a massive sore and once we put a collar on him all of his skin and feathers grew back fine.  Parakeets aren't very strong birds so those tail feathers might have been close to falling out anyway.  It's nothing to worry about though. She'll be fine, she'll just have a gap in her tail for a little while lol.

  8. The feathers will not grow back but no biggie its all good =)

  9. they should grow back. i have a parakeet and his big feathers come out all the time :-)

  10. It's not a problem if there is no youngest daughter did the same to our parakeet.  They eventually fall out anyhow...just may take longer to grow back....but they will

  11. i dont really think it matters

  12. Yes they will, it will take some time, but she will be fine. Just be more careful from now on, k?

  13. Don't fret they will grow back! Birds molt(equal to shedding) at least twice a year where they will naturally lost feathers to replace the damaged, broken or lost ones. A few lost feathers aren't bothering it as much as its bothering you. Just give your bird a treat and maybe be a bit more careful when handling her.

    If it was bleeding it means that the feather was still growing, but a feather that comes out easily or just didn't bleed is like hair that comes out when brushing a dog. IF the feather (this also works for nails clipped to close) was bleeding you can use flour and compact it around the wound it will clot it up without harming your bird if you can't get to a vet right away.

    At most pet stores and shops they sell these neat little bird safe harnesses that gives you something to hold on to other than feathers or limbs; they are pretty neat! You can also attach a string or leash to a loop if your worried about her escaping when holding her!

  14. If you really feel the need to take her to the vet take her to one. But I think it she will be ok. Was she bleeding?


    God bless


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