
I was home last night, watching tv, all my myself and all of a sudden I smelled a women's perfume.?

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It's as if someone had walked pass me, but no one hadn't. I was there all by myself, and for a matter of maybe 2 minutes, I smelled it. The doors and windows were closed , so it's not as if someone outside had walked by and I had smelled it. Friends are convinced that some female spirit had walked by. My mom said that the scent was sent to me for a reason, like maybe it's a sign that my soulmate will be wearing it. I'm open-minded, but I'm not sure if I believe that sort of thing. What do you think? And Please, serious replies only. I appreciate it. I'm not sure what category to put it in, so please forgive me if it's not in the right category. Thanks!




  1. it would happened to me to many times but more like pleasant smell it was nice that's definitely a spirit or a spiritual guide trying to tell you something if you believe in them of course

  2. Ridiculous. k**b.

  3. I'm of the opinion that this would have to be experianced by several people before considered to be worthy of further investigation.  Furthermore, any other sources of the smell would have to be eliminated as possibilities.

    Many people experiance 'ghost smells' in thier lives.  Sometimes, they go without realizing it, thinking that it's just a odor in the room.  Our sense of smell can play tricks on us, just like our other senses.

  4. I grew up in a house where odd odors would seem to come out of nowhere.

    So by tradition one is taught it is the smell of an entity.

    In some ways I wonder if the hairs in the nose also perform a "test" like our ears do.........when you suddenly hear a high pitched ringing sound like you would for a hearing test.

    Maybe our noses work the same way since taste and smell work collectively.

  5. There are many ways for strong scents to enter your home. If you have an apartment, smells drift through the ventilation system from one apartment to another. If you live in a private home, smells of fabric softeners and perhaps even strong perfumes can be blown into the house through the natural places, like drafty windows and doors. Just one of those things, not a ghost.

  6. Very possible to have had a scent woman's or any other come to you. Your Mom is on the money. It was sent for a reason, take heed and give it all consideration. Smell is the next to last likely sense a  spirit will usually use to communicate. So consider other things that may be going on around the house that may be an indication that someone is trying to communicate with you.

    I'm trying to do a reading on your situation as I'm responding I don't think your soul-mate  is trying to communicate with you. Typically however it is a good omen if it is perfume or a pleasant smell.

    Use whatever meditation or prayers that may fit your belief system and initiate a silent communication wishing to know and experience more, then give it time. Mark that date on the calendar and think no more of it. Should you be contacted put a check mark on the calendar and proceed as instructed.

    Just be mindful it can also be a warning from a kind and loving spirit, if you've been naughty lately and don't think that anyone who cares is watching. I'm definitely not talking about self-gratification. I'm talking about drugs, demons and death.

  7. You had your first encounter with a spirit it seems a female one at that.

    Who or why they where there I cant answer that question for you but perhaps you can.

    Did you recognize the scent of the perfume?  Think long and hard perhaps a relative, friend or aquaintance that has long since past.

    Have you noticed anything odd before this incident.  IE lights turning on and off, tv turning on and off, doors opening and closing by themseleves, or anything unexplained to this nature.

    Keep an open mind dont be scared and I bet you notice more phenomenon.  Someone is making there prescence known to you and now that you have taken notice you will start to notice more.  The more ou notice the more the spirits respond if they have the energy.

    If you have any questions or anything else like this happens let me know.


  8. Don't give any meaning on it. Other people is sensitive when it comes to smelling. A misture of things can develop another type of things. Just be glad that you have that gift.

  9. I'm wondering too...why you were the only one who smelled it. (Have you noticed that whenever something is paranormal.."drs." will call it a "hallucination".?) But..I did appreciate all that info about smells ..very interesting.  Maybe it was a smell you had smelled before and it was stuck in the back of your "smeller" and just came out. (I'm serious. I have no idea if this can happen.Just guessing!)

  10. It was just your imagination

  11. anything you buy recently that was in the room?

  12. It's very possible you were visited by someone no longer of this earth.  Spirits will use whatever means possible when they want to make themselves known.  Scent is not uncommon as a means for communication (and it takes less energy for them to create then, say... lights, apparitions, etc).  I would be more curious if it was a smell you were familiar with.  Write down your occurance, describing the scent and surroundings (time/place, etc) as clearly as possible.  If you experience the same thing again, you may have something recurrent going on around you.  Also, relate the description to relatives.  Often, a passed family spirit will check in on a family member they've never met.  The visit may not have been for you directly.

    It is, of course, completely possible you smelled something randomly riding on a draft or your sinuses cleared in an odd way... Cheers!

  13. Smelling scents that aren't there is a symptom of a brain tumor. Maybe you should get checked out just in case.

    Q: I constantly smell odors that aren't really there. I can't pinpoint what the odor is, but the sensation is real. What would cause this?

    A: This symptom, which is known to doctors as an "olfactory hallucination," is potentially very worrisome. Olfactory hallucinations are occasionally a symptom of a brain tumor, so you need to bring this problem to the attention of a neurologist immediately. Olfactory hallucinations may also be a symptom of epilepsy; once again, you would be best served by consulting with a neurologist.

    In general, a variety of things can go wrong with one’s sense of smell. Another name for what you describe is "phantosmia" (phantom smells). Some folks suffer from "parosmia," which is a distortion of the sense of smell. In other words, there really is an odor present, but the patient does not perceive it correctly. A fresh bowl of strawberries may smell like garbage. In one particular form of parosmia, cacosmia, the patient frequently smells fecal matter when this odor is not actually present.

  14. very possible it could be what you said

  15. Your question does provide useful information like the doors and windows being closed to help eliminate some of the normal (as in obvious to a 3rd grader) causes.

    However, what were you thinking about at the time? what were you watching? How would you describe your emotional state? Were you wide awake, tired, exhausted, wired up (awake) because of many sodas or coffee?

    What did you do when you smelled it? search for it? ignored it? Did it smell familiar to you?

    Smell is a very old (in fact our most primitive) sense and is easily recalled in memory (links below).

    Please note I am not dismissing any spiritual or even ESP type of explanation I am just offering ideas of more probable explanations that in science would be the preferred ones to investigate first.


  16. That happened to me like 3 times in my life.... the most recent was like 2 weeks ago.

    All the windows were closed  and i was laying on the couch watching TV when i started to smell this strong woman's perfume (not from a strong woman... but a strong scented perfume).  It was like someone just sprayed it in front of me straight from the bottle.

    I think it could be an ancestor who comes along every once in a while to check up on you and just wants you to recognize when she's around...

  17. it's not a spirit although it did give me the creeps.  it was probably more like a memory.  was the smell familiar to you?  like a perfume your grandma wore or something like that?

  18. it was me , i was wearing an exotic Italian perfume  , sorry but some dumb *** constructor  built your house over my tomb !

  19. it could be a woman spirit...but maybe not...are you sure you werent alone???  does anyone live with you like a bff or something like that???

  20. maybe it was your mom :O

  21. Probably its a ghost. If not, its your imaginiation. Or your neighbour. We must not exclude any possiblities.

  22. it could have been your mind playing tricks on you.  had you ever smelled that particular perfume before?  i had a similar experience, but i think it was because i was thinking about someone i care alot about and suddenly i could smell his cologne as if he were sitting right next to me.  scent is the biggest memory trigger, and there have been studies that show how memories can trigger scent as well.

  23. That happened to me, except mine was a scent of roses. It was around the time my grandmother died and we buried her in the cemetery and 3 days later I had real strong smell of roses and it was her way of telling me hello. I think in your case, it was a spirit making herself known to you. She may have lived in the house before you. I would search the history of your house.

  24. It was your imagination. You had someone special in mind you were thinking about. Someone that uses a special cologne that you recognize them by and whilst imagining them the scent of the cologne was also part of your imagination.

  25. smell your clothes

  26. I'm with your mom and friends.  Scents don't just come out of no where.  It may be an angel watching over you also.

  27. You were visited by a spirit. She wanted to make her presence known to you which is why you could smell the scent. Why did she visit you? Could be for many reasons.

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