
I was hoping to see Al Gore at the Green bay Giants game.?

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Where has he been lately? Is he trying to avoid getting his picture taken in negative temperatures?




  1. He is doing important work that helps to protect the environment while you waste time asking asinine questions.

  2. Do you really think we would have summer temperatures in the winter.....It was cold last year too...warming is not instantaneous in one year, it takes time, but a three degree change could melt the glaciers and change the face of the planet in a few years.

  3. cause hes a con artist.  I feel bad for all the people that bought carbon credits from him.  I love how people try to use the cold temperatures in favor of global warming, stating that it causes more extremes, even extreme cold...

  4. When people who deny global warming rag on Gore, it's simply a sign they have no real argument.  He's not a scientist, and has no responsibility for the overwhelming mountain of data that proves global warming is real, and mostly caused by us.

    To say that he's in this for the money is ridiculous.  He could make FAR more by sitting on corporate boards and giving speeches on anything else.

    Good sites for scientific information:

    "climate science from climate scientists"

  5. Exactly.

    He's wrong and knows it.  He created an international pheonomon in order to make money.

    Genius, truly.

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