
I was hospitalized in Vegas on March 2008. ?

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They did bunch and bunch of stuff on me during my 3-4 hour stay. Couple of months later, I got a bill for $9,055 and another charge for $552 in ER. I've tried contesting it and they denied it stating that both me and my husband have jobs. At the time that I sent in my financial care application, my husband and I did not state any financial responsibilities. And now that we have more bills we cannot pay anymore and I tried to explain that to the billing department of the hospital but they said that I cannot re-apply for another financial care. How do I assume payments for something that I really can't afford to pay? Is there a law or something for stuff like this?

Thanks in advance.




  1. I dont know about the laws in Nevada.  I would just threaten them with bankruptcy.  Tell them you cannot pay the bill, and will they work with you?  If they so no, ask to speak to a supervisor and explain your plight.  If he wont work with you contact the hospital administrator and talk to him.  If you get no where with any of those, then tell them you will file bankruptcy and no one will get anything.  

    Another thing is to send them literally $1 per month and they cant do anything to you, as you are trying to pay the bill off.

  2. In additional to talking to the hospital to work out payment arrangements, consider asking for what Medicare would have paid.  Most hospitals charge 2-3 times what Medicare would allow for patients with no insurance.  They should lower your financial responsibility.  You can then work out payment arrangements off the lower amount.  

    Remember, not paying medical bills can have a negative impact on your ability to buy or refinance a house if the debt is sold to a collection company.  Then, you have to get the collection activity removed which takes time when potentially you don't have it.

    If you don't plan on buying a house or car, etc. then pay it off when you have a chance and don't worry about it.  These accounts usually don't accumulate interest, so waiting a few months may make the hospital more interested in resolving the debt vs. selling it to a collection company at .50 on the dollar.

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