
I was in McDonald's last week?

by  |  earlier

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I had to use the men's room. I noticed that the toilet was overflowing. Lord was it ever a mess. It was filled with toilet paper, and there were several large Jimmys floating near the edge. I was grossed out and just decided to hold it in and wait until I got back home. Suddenly another customer walked in and stared at the mess then at me. I could tell by his disgusted glare that he thought I caused the problem, that the Jimmys were mine. I was absolutely mortified. I didn't say anything but just left. How can I ever show my face there again?




  1. If it was another customer who cares you probably would never see him again anyway.

  2. you probably wont ever see that person again! the crew at mcdonalds didnt see you, and i doubt the person that saw you will run out and shout about the mess "you" just made.

    dont worry about it, and let it go. it was one of those things to look back on and laugh about!

    i work at McDs and something similar happened b4 in my store. someone went #2 in a urinal and stuffed tissue in it and the wole floor was about 10 centimeters deep in water. it was disgusting.

    and guess wu had top clean it?

    thats right.

    except i didnt have to go near the dookey i jut had to mop the floor, but men kept coming in and whipping it out wile i was trying to work. i had a sign on the door!!


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