
I was in Wal-Mart today and a little boy was in the shopping cart making really?

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loud noises. His mom shoved her hand over his face & pushed his head backwards yelling @ him to shut up. If this lady did this in public, what does she do to that poor child @ home?




  1. i bet he deserved it

  2. I shudder to think of the horrors that some children go through at the hands of their loved ones... I get sick just reading the newspaper...poor kid

  3. I know what you mean, that is terrible, and I cant imagine what that poor child is going to grow up like!!

  4. omg

    thats so sad


    who knows poor kid

  5. Apparently if he is acting like that in public he isn't abused at home. Most children that are abused or mistreated at home are too afraid to act out especially in a setting that would provoke their parent to be abusive when they got home.

    Yet again another person trying to read too much into someone elses business, you probably don't have kids of your own.  

  6. It was edgy;ove. She says black folks should whap their children when they misbehave.

  7. Chances are that is what she does at home.  The reason so many moms are pushed to that is because of people that sit there saying "why don't you make him mind" or "why don't you make him shut-up" or "if that was my kid I would give him a good spanking" or other comments that some idiots give so then moms are pulled in so many directions.  Do we discipline in the store or don't we kind of thing.  She may be use to such comments from people and just pushed to the limit but really there is no way to know.  My friends mom would pull her hair really hard if she started acting out in the store but she never did any worse than that.  I just learned to excuse myself with my boys to the family bathroom if it is available so we can "have a chat" to calm them down but I know my son who has PDD has gotten bad enough for me to have to get in his face to tell him to knock it off.  

  8. some people are not meant to have children. You have to go through more to adopt a dog from a shelter than have a child. It's very sad. There are so many parents who go to one extreme or another. Some do nothing and let their kids run wild and some go overboard and smack them around. Too many parents can't seem to find that middle of the road where you are strict yet you don't need to use physical force and you discipline consistently.

    EDIT: Jen, you have no idea what you are tallking about obviously. You should do some research and learn about abuse before you try giving out information you know nothing about.

  9. Its terrible how some people can treat their children. I think they just dont care, in public or not. Its sad for the kids....  

  10. That's why I stay AWAY from there. Welfare and bad parenting central =).

    Unruly little brats running around unsupervised. If you're going to take your children shopping, keep a freaking eye on them and keep control like a GOOD parent. The few times I HAVE gone there kids were always running around without their parents being anywhere in sight. If not that, then they would be  tagging along with their mom and/or dad who would just yell, "Shut the f*** up or I'm going to beat your a**!"

    Most, not ALL, but MOST people who shop there have little to NO class.

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