
I was in a MVA during the week where the other driver was at fault.

by  |  earlier

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The driver was charged and as i was taken to the hospital, details of the driver were recorded by a police officer. Personal Details were received from officer to myself and contact was made to the driver in fault. The driver claims that he/she is not at fault although she has been charged and is refusing to supply insurance details. My insurance company cannot take any action until i receive the 'driver at fault' insurance details. I have been told that i have to take legal action for these issues to be overcome, is this true? Also as a result i have been absent from work due to injuries are there any options for compensation?




  1. Contact the attending police officer. See if he/ she has insurer detail.

  2. The legal action has already started you should already have a court date for the accident. Once the court decide whom is at fault, the the insurance company takes over. Your insurance should not be waiting for anything.

      In my accident,my insurance jumped in and took care of everything.Then after court they went to the other guy's insurance to get their money back. Wait for the court to find guilt then everything will fall into place.


  3. i think it might vary from state to state, but i was involved in a situation just like this in 1997 where i was at fault. i was told that it was up to the ins companies to duke it out and i was also told by my ins company to never admit fault even if i knew d**n well that i was the one in the wrong (i *** ended a car while it was stopped at a red light). you might want to call one of those "as seen on TV" lawyers cause thats what the guy did that i hit, and he wont have to work for a long time after he got his settlement. just dont **** over anyone.  

  4. Do you have a copy of the police report? If not get one from the police. The officer should have gotten the insurance information, if so it will be on the police report. If not ask to speak to a traffic supervisor regarding why the other drivers insurance information is not on the report. Find out if your State DMV has a requirement that you must report any accident you are involved in that has more than $750.00 in damage or any bodily injury. Most States do. If your State has that requirement & the accident is reported by one driver and not the other the DMV will suspend the drivers license of the driver NOT reporting the accident.  

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