
I was in a car accident and recieved several stiches i now have a piece of glass trying to come to surface?

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I was in a car accident and recieved several stiches i now have a piece of glass trying to come to surface?




  1. wife broke windshield, was picking glass out of her head for over a year.   it's your body rejecting a foreign object.

    hang in there.

  2. man u gona be one rich son of a beep once u sue

  3. oh my, now its just a matter of time before the rmaining pieces of glass find their way to your heart. You will need something similar to what Stark had in Ironman to keep yourself alive. who knows maybe you will be the next Iron Man,

  4. I take it you have  been to the Dr. about this. How else would you know it was glass instead of say...a bone chip? or a sliver of metal?

    My guess is, and it's only a guess, that what ever it is is small enough that it is believed to be better that your own body do what our bodies are meant to do and that's get rid of what it doesn't need if it can.  Most things, splinters, gravel, glass, bone chips will fester to the surface and the body will dispel them with out interference from "modern" medicine.

    I doubt there is much to worry about but if you are worried, call your Doctor. That's what he's/she's there for.

  5. glass that has made it's way into you will work it's way out it's natures way., it's ok

  6. I hope you got lots of money. go to the dr.

  7. It is going to itch some until it breaks the surface, you can either let it work it's way out or if you like pain help it out once it gets near the surface with a sterilized needle.  Yes it will bleed some, and hurt, and unless you have a real tolerance for pain will be pretty hard to do.  Getting glass out of wounds hurts, some hospitals don't try and get it all out becuase of the pain it causes the patient, and it hurts plenty.  If and only if you decide to help the glass out then make sure you put some antiseptic on it to keep it from getting infected and use a sterile needle.

  8. That sucks-- I've been there! It took a long time for all the glass to work it's way to the surface for me. It's more annoying than anything, but it's your bodies way of healing. It get's pushed out adn you will heal, good as new(ish). ; )

    If that's the extent of your injuries-- be thankful! : D

  9. I had a tiny piece of metal in my finger once, and someone told me to use "PRID" salve.  It's a drawing out agent.  It worked, but took several days.  Prid has been around forever...after the fact my dad said that his grandmother always kept it in her medicine cabinet, and used it for everything!  I found it at Walmart.  If it gets worse...go to the doctor for sure!!

  10. That's not at all unusual. Did you have a related question?

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