
I was in a car accident and was not insured. What should I do?

by  |  earlier

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I Live in the state of Georgia.

The other car was insured.




  1. Who's at fault?  If it's the other driver, call their insurance company and submit a claim.  If your at fault, your responsible for not only your damages but the other vehicle also..not to mention if there's any bodily injury.

  2. A few questions - was a ticket issued and to who? The ticket will help if it wasn't issued to you.

    The other's insurance company mat state that you were a percantage of fualt. If true. I suggest finding an attorney, they may be seeking damages.

  3. Get ready for a few things. 1. You will be paying a heavy fine for not having insurance, plus you will need to actually get insurance and provide proof of it, or the judge will suspend your license. 2. The other guys insurance can and may sue you for their losses.

    What you should do is get insured ASAP. Do it online, get it as cheap as possible, maybe liability only. Also, contact the guy you wrecked. If you can convince him to let you pay cash for the damages, the insurance company won't sue you and his insurance will not soar either because he has to cover your bad decision to forgo insurance.

  4. find out what the penalty is for not being insured if you got a ticket.  You are innocent until found guilty.  I would see a lawyer.  talk to no one.  If their insurance contacts you, send them to talk to your lawyer.  If you are sure they can prove you are guilty in court, settle it out of court.

  5. Get in touch with a lawyer. Seriously.

  6. Drivers like you p**s me off frankly. Lucky for her she was insured. You will still get a ticket as you should. I think you should have to pay for her damages but you won't. She has to pay, like the rest of us who have insurance because it's the LAW, we pay extra for dumbass people who don't have it. Thanks a lot for raising all the rest of our premiums. You'll get no sympathy from most of us. I just hope no one was hurt, even you. It doesn't matter who was at "fault" you are at fault for having no insurance! Period! She does, she's covered, your car isn't.

  7. I'm in GA also. Was the accident your fault?

    I'm guessing not  because here in GA if your caught without insurance they impound the vehicle. Good luck whatever the circumstances, you'll need it.

  8. ask the person you hit to get a quote to repair the damage, then ask everyone you know to borrow money to pay for it, then pay your friends back.

    If the other car was at fault then relax.

  9. If it was your fault, and dthere was another vehicle involved, you might want to get an attorney.

  10. Depends on what happened during the accident.  Were you at fault or was the other driver at fault.  I am not sure of what laws Georgia has but Texas is a pure comparative negligence state, meaning, if both parties had any amount of negligence it effects what % of the damages(Claim) will be paid.  Anything over 51% at fault you will not recover any amount.  If you were at fault have the person get a couple of estimates.  Most states allow the owner to choose shops.  Write out an agree'd amount and have all additional hidden damages written in where they also must be reviewed via another estimate where you can review if it is valid or needed. New parts ect are not owed the vehicle is no longer new same parts and same quality as was on the vehicle is owed.  If they had injuries that will also be needed.  they may sue you in small claims court for your negligence but if you keep documentation to support that you are attempting to be fair and reasonable the judge should look kindly on your best interest.  If it was there fault you should be doing the same for yourself and take them to small claims court after you have did the above...An attorney is you pref also, he will get his cut generally 30-45% so is it wort it?  Your call.

  11. If it was the other drivers fault then you should be OK.  If it was your fault, then you stand a chance of loosing everything.  You need a lawyer.

  12. call a lawer

  13. put your head between your legs and kiss your a$$ goodbye

  14. pray

    flirt with the judge

  15. Who was at fault?

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