
I was in a fight last week and I need some advice.?

by  |  earlier

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I'm a woman 5ft11in about 140 lbs. I was at a friends party, we were all drinking some. I got into an argument with my best friend's wife. As I got up to leave, she pushed me. I got up and went to hit her, he stepped in the way and I punched him. I ended up in a fight with him, his brother, his friend and his wife!!! four people on me, three of them men. I was kicked in the ribs I had bruises on my body, my face my arms, everywhere. When the cops got there, I went to jail because he said he couldn't fit all of them in the car and there was no back up. I'm the only one who went to jail, I'm the only one who is charged with battery resulting in bodily injury!!!! I want to know if there's anyone who can tell me the best way to fight this. The officer took pictures of my injuries, I honestly don't know what their's were, I was too busy trying to keep from being beaten to death. There were no weapons involved.




  1. How disgusting. I don't know how old all of you are, but I do know you're all way too old to be behaving like frat kids. In future, you shouldn't drink at all, and it might be a good idea to find new non drinking friends.

    Since the s***k wife pushed you first, then  she does need to share part of the blame, but the contretemps is between you and the s***k. You never, ever ever punch ANYONE, you asked for trouble and trouble is what you got, but again, drinking and fighting are just absurd and shameful at your age. You say you were trying to keep from being beaten to death; keep up this drunken aggressive behavior and that may very well be in your future.

    EDIT: Let me hasten to assure you I would NEVER be in that position because I do not get drunk, number one, I stop before that stage when I do drink, which is rare and two, I NEVER raise my hands to ANYONE in anger.  So the point is, you need to cut back the drinking and get some control over yourself or you will end up in prison someday or worse. No one is responsible for this but you; if you hadn't been drunk and out of control, none of this would have happened...

  2. Ok... don't fight this. This is life. There will be sides taken and people will hate on you and others will love you. There's no point in doing anything about this. Just be glad you're alive. Life goes on and there will be other fights that they get in that they did not start and they will be the ones to go to jail. Its called karma. and it's a b*tch sometimes. Now I'm sure you've got things to see and people to do so don't waste your time on this site cause nobody can truly help you deep down.

  3. then how could u get out if ur still in jail ffs?

  4. im sorry but im laughing my *** of really bad right now.he didnt have space in his car? thats some bs. anyway take the pictures and talk to you lawyer and make sure you press charges

  5. My advice is you shouldn't have retaliated to her push, why the h**l were men attacking you also. They all deserve to be in prison. Find advice from a lawyer, they know what to do.

    "If any of those of you who only want to point out that this shouldn't have happened were in my position, I'd love to see how you'd have gotten out of it."

    Reply by me: Well I wouldn't have retaliated by throwing a punch and would have left the drunken home party peacefully and I think may people agree with me here !

  6. Hey~With friends like that who needs enemies? I'm sorry. I'd try to talk to others that were there, I'd take pictures myself,get a copy of police report,talk to the arresting officer, contact the city victims rights and stop drinking. document what you do~do what you document

  7. Find a criminal lawyer or legal assistant.

  8. hire a lawyer and sue them - civil lawsuit - this might get them to drop your assault charges and you may not walk away with anything accept no record, but that sounds like what you want anyway.  you could do this without a lawyer - just go to the court and file the papers yourself - might cost 100.00 - 200.00 to have them served with lawsuit type papers.  good luck.

  9. Forgive and let God forgive you.There is more blessing in forgiveness

    than venegance.May God bless you.  

  10. hire a lawyer

  11. call the da's office and talk to him he will be the one representing the state in your charges.

    I used to think the cops were always wrong but in time i have learned people actions and the way they react when cops are around usually help justify what the cops have dont not always but usually.

    You have to understand that the cop doesnt know what happaned and if you biligerant when he gets there and acting off emotion then hes not going to take you as seriouse.

  12. All deserve be in jail....Hire a Lawyer

  13. Get a lawyer and try to find some witnesses

  14. you were arrested because there  was  4  witnesses saying YOU were the instigtator.  

    Your "best friends" wife was probably not to happy that you are "best friends" with her husband.

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