
I was in a finder binder a month ago. i hit a car that was doubled parked and i recieved a ticket.what do i do

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i was in a finder binder a month ago. i hit a car that was doubled parked and i recieved a ticket. i was told by several people that i was not suppose to get a ticket and 30 days after the accident i dont have to pay for the damages. what should i do.




  1. Unless your friends are cops or have a degree in law don't listen to them because friends can be misleading. My advice is to take it to court or pay the ticket because if you just ignore it and don't pay it, your license will be suspended.

  2. You do deserve the ticket for hitting the illegally parked car..BUT, the illegally parked car ALSO deserves a ticket as well.

    AND, what my insurance agent told me was...if I parked illegally and got hit, MY INSURANCE would NOT cover me. I doubt your insurance will pay for the damages either. I suspect you'll both end up in People's Court or Judge Judy...and I think you will win.

  3. Its your fault, just turn everything over to your insurance company...

  4. Hitting a parked car is always your fault.  Double triple parked, Unless it was parked crosswise across a blind intersection with a hidden stop sign you should pay this ticket.  Dont go to court.  You will be found at fault. This is what insurance is for. Let the insurance company wrangle it, it is their money.  (yea, your rate is going to go up but it beats buying a new car out of your pocket for someone that double parked)  THe problem with double parking is not that you will hit the car or that it is illegal, it is the fact the single car cant get out, that is why it is illegal. illegal parking might get you out of this if you hired a lawyer but it will cost you far more than just doing as you are supposed to do, own up for hitting a parked car.Make sure the guy who double parked got a ticket if you actually go to court. Negligence on the part of the officer, or favoritism for the owner of the car that got hit.  Prosecuter will withdraw the charges immediatly if they are smart. (he probably did so dont get your hopes up)

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