
I was in a motorcycle accident and i am just about to get my bike back but i am a little nervous any advice..?

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that would help i would like to hear it




  1. if motocross is something you really enjoy, then stick with it, cause motocross is really fun and you'll regret it if you quit riding.

  2. If u never go back on the bike, u will be scared 4 ever. Good luck adn i'm srry about ur accident

  3. Take the beginners MSF course through your local DMV. The bikes are small and the instructor can provide some assurance in getting back on and comfortable again.



  4. Slow and easy. You are going to feel nervous for awhile, thats natural.  Take it to the level you feel comfortable.  Then, when you start to feel natural and confident on the bike again you can start to speed up.  Only you can tell yourself when you should start to push things again.  It may take some time but remember you are not the first person this has happened to and won't be the last.  We have all been there before.

  5. Get back on the bike and see how you feel once on it, but I would have to say that if you still feel nervous perhaps think about the sport that you are doing as all the mx racers and supercross racer I know who have had very bad injuries cannot wait to get back on their bikes as it is just part of them.  If you don't feel that way then you should perhaps consider something else to do with your time.  

    But do put your leg over the bike again and give it a go.  

    I know it is not the same thing but I was in a very bad car accident a few years ago and it took a long time before i felt safe when anyone coming towards me looked like they were going to wander off the road.  just make sure you take all the safety precautions and give yourself a go and see if you have it in you to get back on the bike.  Remember it is alright to be nervous to a certain extent as then you are mindful of what is going on around you.

    Sorry to hear about your accident

  6. An accident is just what it says" An Accident" not done on purpose.We all take risks by just walking out the door.If you really like to ride your bike...just get back on it.Face your fears!! You have nothing to fear but fear itself!!You are a little nervous for a good reason..Now you will be more careful and drive defensively from now on.

  7. take it slow, then gradually go faster. don't worry its natural to be nervous, but you'll get back the rush we all have on a bike!

  8. I will also assume you mean when racing. my answer would be when your not nervous getting on the bike.. QUIT. it will kill you. nerves get the adrenalin flowing, and speed up your reaction time. respect the machine. and respect the track, however familiar you are with it. and have fun out there.

  9. I'll assume its dirt bikes:

    If you want to keep riding, dont think about what happened and get back on the bike doing ez riding. Like flat ground riding or what ever and then slowly build up by starting to jump again and ride a little faster each time. Then after a while you should be back to riding the way you did before and will have forgot about your riding fear.

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