
I was in a small accident. We exchanged info, am I required to make a police report?

by  |  earlier

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There was no damage to either vehicle, and the other driver signed a note stating what happened and that the accident was her fault. I am not going to file a claim with her insurance but am not sure if by law I am required to report the accident.




  1. depends on the state you live in.

  2. wow great move getting other drive to sign....most states dont require police report on ,less then 500 dollars dammage..your ins co will open a file but unless other driver claims injury/damage it should end there.

  3. For your protection I would make a police report because the other party could make one and state that you did a hit and run, then what would happen.

  4. Just contact your insurance company and let them know about it. (New York State)

  5. Although in this case it's probably alright, by law: yes. Its also too late now anyway. By law you have to call it in when it happens.

  6. If there wasn't any damage done, you have her signed note, and you aren't reporting it to her insurance, you don't need to do anything. For future reference, when in an accident, report it to the police so there is a legal report in case the other person contests what happen later. In this case, no harm, no foul, no police.

  7. dont do it, i think it's quite hard to find people like her, she is a good person, i think u should make her your friend, or even closer if u both single :D

  8. no problem........

  9. only if people or road side stuff was damaged

  10. whether its legal or not if you don't have any damage just don't worry about it. it is to much of a hassel and will make insurance rates go up. good job getting the other party to sign that it was her fault. very good thinking.

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