
I was in an accident in january of 2008 and just now the man claimed it on his isurance?

by  |  earlier

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i was driving down a major street in new jersey around where i live and it was snowing with black ice already on the ground...i hit my breaks but i kept sliding and and just tapped him...there was no damage to his car or to mine but i took no pictures of it...we exchanged info and i called my insurance and made the claim that night but i just recieved my insurance letter saying he made this claim just now...and i know he has 2 years time to claim it..but i am worried because he said he had back injuries..but up until now i have heard nothing of this accident and nothing from him even though he had my info and my phone and cell...*MAJOR POINT THERE WAS NO DAMAGE TO HIS OR MY CAR...NOTHING NOT EVEN A SCRATCH*...i basically just need peoples input on the situation.. thank you for your comments in advance..




  1. He could still have hurt his back.  Inertia from the sudden change in velocity can really do a number on your spine.

    It's not your problem though, its the insurance company's problem.  That's why you pay them all that money every month.  Your rates might go up some, but you won't have to pay the whole thing.  They'll investigate his claim and if he's making things up he'll probably get very little.  Either way, you don't have to pay it.

  2. As far as i know,this is a question with many different answers,it is really depend on the judgement of yourself,provide a great resource here for reference though.

  3. Unfortunately BS claims of this nature are not rare. Too many people see insurance as a way to solve all their financial problems.  We see this cr@p all the time.

    Call your insurance company and speak to the adjuster about what happened. Adj will probably take a recorded interview with you. The adj will also want to photograph your car (to show the lack of damage).  Let the adjuster know about any concerns you have.  I'm sure you will - but cooperate with the adjuster in the investigation of this claim.  

  4. Tell this story to your insurance company. They will fight for it to save the money. I think the guy has an up hill battle as long as you have your facts in order and stay with them. Right down EVERYTHING. Beat this guy

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