
I was in cheer last year and i want to know how to get ready for it again?

by  |  earlier

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I made it last year but this summer i have been lazy and i think i lost everything i could do could someone like a experienced cheerleader or fitness trainer or gymnast or dancer write me a workout plan for flexibility and strength and maybe a plan for the things i should mainly eat and what i shouldnt eat.

P.S. I am going to go take some gymnastics lessons to get me warmed up for cheer





  1. Maybe you should make your own plan

  2. Fitness Plan:

    Wake up in the morning, do 100 crunches off the bat.

    While you brush your teeth, do squats until your done.

    Every time you watch TV, get down into your split/ stradle (your choice which one.)

    Following every meal, ten pushups, one hundred sit up, 50 crunches.

    Eating Plan/ Schedule:

    When you're ready for breakfast, eat a piece of fruit, no sugary cereal or pop tarts. Those are very unhealthy! Other options would include a fried egg, no salt or pepper, or a protien shake. (Just email me if you want a recipe.)

    About three to four hours following your breakfast, it's lunch time! Low fat cheese in a grilled cheese sandwich is healthy and delicious. For a drink, get a glass of water (drink half before your sandwich.)

    Dinner can be whatever your family makes, but no dessert.

  3. I had the same thing that happened to me.

      First practice all your jumps and what you can you in tumbling.

    *Leg kicks- lay on your back in just kick your leg up

    *Leg-outs- lay on your back and kick your legs vertical

    *Vertical scissors- like Leg outs but on your stomach


    *Biceps curls- use weights or even soup cans, pull to your chest

    *Triceps kickbacks- use weights or even soup cans. ush away from your chest, backwards

    *Army crunch- lay on your back like your riding a bikewith your legs in the air and as you push up with your chest with your hands supporting your neck one leg pulls toward you the other leg goes straight out(like you were riding a bike)

    *Lower ab crunch-  lay on your back with your legs crossed straight in the air and push your chest up.


    - all at high reps (30-50 repetitions for each exercise).

    lean, high-quality proteins (skinless chicken/turkey breast, lean beef/veal, tuna, cod), cooked/raw high-fiber, vegetables: (cabbage, broccoli, zucchini, and all leafy green vegetables), and all fruits.

    Drink a lot of water and powerade

    Avoid foods in high sugar

    Good luck.

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