
I was in the North East yesterday and today. I noticed that the news readers have a 'generic' accent

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rather than an accent from the North East. Why are they speaking in a bland 'southern accent' rather than a regional accent. I watched both the ITV and BBC early evening news and it was the same on both sides.

I normally watch BBC London or London Tonight and thought that the news readers had 'london' accents because thats where I am, but now wonder if all the regions have the same accent on the news, even though the public that they broadcast to, speak very differently. Why?




  1. Not here in the North West ~ we have mancs on the local news.

    Gordon Burns on BBC and up until recently on ITV we had the lovely (?) Lucy Meacock, but she just defected to ITN.

    Haz ~ Gordon Burns at tea time?? lol and Heather somebody and that big bird, the blonde one Dianne Oxbury them lot!

  2. I guess it's a hangover from the queen's english days. I hope you stayed to watch the weather on both channels as the Scottish accents on both presenters are quite strong.

    It's probably also due to, in the case of the beeb, rotating their presenters around different regions.

    If you watch the documentary on the Darwins you'll notice pretty strong accents on some of the Cleveland Police officers, whilst Anne Darwin's accent was softer.

    Nice to hear you were up here yesterday, hope you liked it!

  3. Thick Geordie accent?  How dare you!!!  You must be thick, if you think that they employ only locals.  Where exactly do you think the news is broadcast from.  The N.E. is a big place with lots of accents.  People from Sunderland speak a totally different language, never mind accent, and they are only 20 minutes away.

  4. English regional newsreaders aren't generally permitted to have a strong accent of any sort, no matter where they are from. 'Twas ever thus. The situation in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland may be different, although I can't imagine that BBC Scotland would have Rab C. Nesbitt reading the news.

    Also, don't forget that the BBC Newcastle news (Look North) has to cover a ridiculous wide area - as far south as York and Harrogate (heck, even some Leeds residents have their aerials turned in that direction), as far north as Berwick and the Scottish Borders, and as far west as Carlisle. Having a "why aye man, gan canny hinny" accent would impede that somewhat, a bit like if the London newsreaders also had to cover news from Birmingham while also speaking in a broad Cockney accent.

  5. There are all different accents in the north east. You get up to parts of Northumberland and its just about Scottish. So there isn't one accent. I haven't noticed any of the north east news readers to have a southern accent, you can tell they are from the NE they are just well spoken. I live in near Newcastle and watch the news every day. You couldn't have a broad accent reading the news as not everyone would understand x x  

  6. Stormy what North West News is that? They are all from Northern Ireland! Apart from Ranvir Singh who I think is from Bolton or somewhere...It drives me round the twist! Do they have a tunnel from NI to Granada studios?

    EDIT-Lol ! Yeah that Diane and Helen whatser face are deffo Mancs...But GB is from NI !! I dunno I'm so busy making cakes and darning socks I don't get to see the daytime stuff..pffft. x

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