
I was in the same bed with my parents while they were having s*x!!!

by  |  earlier

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This may seem made up, but I'm telling the truth... I was feeling sick when I came home from my friends house at 6:00 pm. The medicine that my mom had given made me delerious, so I went into my parents room and fell asleep. I woke up in the middle of the night and heard my parents having s*x!!! The bed was shaking and I was trapped in the room with parents. I could hear my dad mouning stuff like, "mmmm" and my mom was like, "ohh yah, harder, faster, deeper, yesss." That went on for like an hour, then my dad went into the bathroom and mom rolled over and fell asleep. As soon as that happened, I booked it over to my room and into my bed. My parents must of thought that I was still asleep, if they "continued". I can't even look at them in the face anymore. I'm truely scarred for life. Anything I can do to overcome this??? PLEASE HELP!!!!!!




  1. grow up.

    yeah thats a little gross but it's life.

    are going to become a nun or something?

  2. Aw, Duuuuude.....ouch

    Sorry, you're screwed!

  3. only time will help with that.

  4. wow well that has to suck, think about how things could be worse

  5. something tells me your just a 14 year old dude with nothing to do over the summer posting retarded fake questions like this one for your own hilarity.

  6. That must have been one huge fkn bed if they didnt even know you where there.

  7. it could be much worse than it was look at it that way at least you weren't inbetween them or some thing even more nasty happened

  8. When I was younger my room was right next to my parents room. The way my Mom was screaming I thought my Dad was beating her up. aHA then I figured it all out, and became completely mortified that my parents got that much action. I eventually moved into the basement and that wasn't any better..I was now directly under the action. ICK! I think I prefer the idea of my Dad beating her up...not really...but...yeah!

    I think they owe you a big apology...that's almost along the line of incest. Sorry! That's not gonna make you feel any better. Erm. Well you will get over it! Talk to some of your friends about it. If you are really messed up in the head about the situation ask your parents to speak to a therapist...really it's the least they could do.

    How insensitive are they?

    That does make me sick that they could fathom at that time it could be a good idea.

    I'm so sorry!

  9. ya i got nothing, sorry

  10. I have a somewhat same experience, i walked up in my parents bedroom while they were having s*x when i was 4 years old. i was sleepwalking and i didn't realize it till i peed on my self next to their bed. me not knowing what they were doing crawled up into the bed with my pissy self then that's when they notices. they said that mommy and daddy were just hugging. they were  just hugging all right. so ur not alone I'm not really scarred for life because i have no idea what happened at the time. oh yeah and 9 months later my brother popped out rofl........... but u should talk to them about that. tell them that what they did was inappropriate with u in the bed as well. ok?

  11. WTF?! OMG, get help quick. That's just wrong and nasty(my friend walked in on her mom giving her dad a bj) , talk to them with group conseling, and next time make sure you take meds in your room so if you clock out, you won't wake up with them doing the nasty next you. Sorry you had to see/hear that.

  12. sound weird!!! But how come ur parents didnt saw u!!! Try to face  them! And not to tell this to anybody because it embarrass ur parents and u!!

    ANswer MIne!;_ylt=AtlQT...

  13. go on a chat show.... at least you'll get a few days in a nice hotel.



  15. I don't know what to tell you, that must have been horrible! when Ihave things I don't want to think about anymore, I visualize put that thought into a black box, and locking it, and keep doing that everytime you think about it eventually you'll forget.

  16. yeah u've got a problem.... first of all they probably shouldn't have done that while u were around.... idk..... talk 2 them??? i know it probably would be hard.... but yeah.... : (

  17. how big is that bed if they didnt realise you were there?

    its probably because at 6.00pm people have heightened pleasure and are more easily turned on than at other times. ¬_¬

    you probably joined in 'cause you were too delerious lol

    this situation is EPIC lol

    good luck in therapy :)

  18. wow that's kinda inappropriate! they should have woke you up first and told you to go get in your own bed!

  19. That is just awful!  You could try talking to them about it so it will NEVER happen again. I'm sure they will be embarrassed about it if they knew.  I'm not too sure what I would do in that situation.  

    Maybe just ignore the whole thing ever happened, and never sleep in their room again.  

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