
I was invited to dinner by an Amish family tomorrow night?

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are there any specific customs or lifestyles (other than the obvious) that I would need to know about before attending dinner?




  1. Same as any other dinner party, just don't bring wine.

    Be on your best behavior, be polite, use please and thank you and you should do fine.

  2. just be respectful of their customs, i'm sure they are aware that u don't know everything about amish people. i wouldn't question why they do or don't do certain things.

    but a little secret you might not have known about the amish....when the teenagers are like 16 y/o they are allowed to venture out into the real world, and decide if they want the amish lifestyle or to live a normal life, and many of those teenagers have vehicles, live somewhere with electricity, drink/party- and the amish can party!!

    so really my point is they have all experienced what the outside life is like. anywayze im blabbin on and on.

  3. Don't eat before having grace. No elbows on the table.  

  4. if you are a woman do not wear trousers.

    if you are a man and wearing a hat, take it off at the table during grace.

    do not bring alcohol.

  5. I feel your story is suspect.  The Amish don't normally invite the English into their homes.

  6. Yes.  Be prepared for people who actually listen.  And enjoy yourself.

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