
I was invited to go Camping, What should I expect?

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I have never been Camping before

friends of my boyfriend invited us

and lol I hesitated because I'm

a bit skeptical of things of this

sort. Huge bugs,strange noises,bathroom?

Some insite on this would be great!!!

Thank you!!!!

I live on Long-Island NY if this helps

give you an idea of camp-sites

that may be near by.




  1. Strange noises in the night are normally things that happen all the time, but you're just more aware of it in the dark. Giant bugs have never bothered me, and I have slept out under the stars twice and in a makeshift shelter once (amazing what you do in Scouts...). As for a bathroom, that is trickier, since I'm a guy, it's a little easier ; ) I'm not sure that I can help if you are really in the wilderness, but if you are in an actual campsite, it may have a restroom. The first night is always the scariest, but you'll have fun with it. If you have some decent meals planned out (or if they do) then my motto applies: Good Food, Good Friends, Good Times.

  2. Bears! Rwarrrrrr!!!!!!

  3. Many people have gone camping before you and 99.9999% have survived to tell about it.

    Some liked it and some didn't.

    You need to try it out for yourself and if you don't like it, then you don't have to go again.

    One thing that is amazing though, is out in the wilderness, away from the city lights, the countless number of stars is an amazing sight to see.

  4. I LOve should expect mosquitos and maybe cold weather. Or hot weather depends.....Pack for both weathers and make sure you bring comfortable shoes and clothes you can get dirty. =] HAve fun! And most campsites have bathrooms close by.

  5. Lions and tigers and bears, oh my!


  7. Watch an old movie called "Deliverance" before you go and your camping trip will seem more exciting.

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