
I was just called a h**e and....?

by  |  earlier

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I am digging it too. Should I send a thank you and a hug to her?

I think somebody needs a hug.






  1. beat her @ss

  2. call her a s**t...

  3. She's probably just jealous of you. Brush off your shoulders and keep it moving. Haters will always be haters.  

  4. what is a h**e? do you mean w***e?

    you sound like a man posing as a woman.

    Have a good day!

  5. Tell her if she keeps it up, you'll send your pimp over to slap her down.

    Edit: If someone calls me an a**hole, I ask, So, what's your point? Tell me something I don't know.

  6. good for you for not letting it get to you. anyone who says that kind of thing is just jealous and needs to belittle others to make them feel good. kill her with kindness, she won't know what to do with herself.

  7. That's great that you didn't let it get to your head. I agree with the person who said kill her with kindness.They hate that, they absolutely do.She wouldn't have the guts to tell you in your face.

  8. Uh. . .no I wouldn't thank her.

  9. you should say:

    Nooo Yo Momma is the real h**e


  10. kick her ***!!! WRAAAR! >:O

  11. I think you should pat yourself on the back and say..' I've still got it '...Its obvious that girl was unhappy with seeing your avatar in reflection to her not so hot figure.

  12. well u see if i was called a w***e id be like thanks babe love you too cuz im a guy and h**l i wouldnt care lol

    in your case i say u two girls get naked have a girl fight but before u do sell tickets to it i guarentee many pple will come ull makemoney and beat her azz =) and for coming up with this i was a free pass to the show!

    6 tickets!! hellz yes =) ill bring 6 for free and 100 more who wil pay!! ur getting a huge crowd

  13. Sticks and stones mate. She's just jealous that you have a s*x life. Forget about insecure little people who use those words and have fun, you only live once!

  14. It's spelled with a "w" - w***e.

    Self- respect seems to be rare these days.

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