
I was just curious, what age do you think is appropriate to start having children?

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What do you consider to young? I had my son four days after my 20th birthday? I'm 22 now. I personally don't think that was to young.




  1. It really depends on the person.

    Some people are more mature at a younger age.

    If I had to pick an age I'd say 20 is the youngest that someone should be.  

  2. After you graduate from college and get a good job with medical insurance.

  3. It depends on your maturity level and where you are in your life.

    I want to have kids in my late 20s / early 30s

    But I don't think there's a "time limit".  

  4. Its is a little LATE to make that question.

  5. It depends what stage of your life your at.

    If you don't really have any goals in life then your basically screwed. How is your kid going to get an education? Do you want them to live with nothing?

    But if you have your life figured out and a husband that you know will be there throughout his/her life then great.

    So if your life is great, no, 20 is not too young. but in most cases, it is.

  6. I think only when a couple or single mom is ready.

    Its a huge responsibility. One should be ready for it.

    Id personally say around 24+

  7. I think that you were just fine.  Though that seems young when comparing with the average, I plan to be married young and probably have children young as well.  20-22 is just about right to me.  Think of it this way- You'll be traveling after 38!  

  8. Its completely different for everyone, but for me, I think 25. I love kidss.



  9. it depends on if you're financially stable and mature enough, so it varies from person to person. if you dont think that was too young and you dont regret your decision, then it wasnt too young. but you are still young and have plenty of time to have another so I wouldn't rush. But personally, I think as long as the person is out of highschool and can support the baby. It would be better if you're married so the baby has the stability of 2 parents. but it is a personal choice, some people are ready before others.  

  10. The age doesn't matter (although teenage pregnancy ain't a good idea). As long as you have enough money to look after the kid, any age is alright. Most likely 20+.

  11. I don't think the age matters, if you have a good job, and are good economically as well as your husband, and really want to be parents it's al good, I had mine at 22 that was 5 months ago, I am very happy I have my baby girl and so is my husband, I think maturity comes after you deal with problems or complications, that's how you learn to manage life, but its always good to be good emotionally and financially!

    Good Luck

  12. I was going to say 20 years old is the youngest anyone should TRY to have a baby.  I know things happen and I'm not judging.  But personally for me, I want to make sure I'm ready in anyway I can control like a good job and a good dad and husband.

  13. I was married a month b4 I turned 20...our son was born 2 months b4 our 1 year anniversary ( I was 20). My husband was 31 when our son was born.

    I think when you are mature enough to take care of yourself, your family, and an infant you are old enough. He wasn't ready until his 30s. I was ready in my's all about maturity.

  14. Well I think you and I have very different views compared to many.  I'm 19 and might be pregnant.  My boyfriend is 30 and has three children but wants another.  Him and his children's mother were together for almost 10 years.  I don't think I'm too young at all.  I've been wanting to find the one right guy to settle down with for a years now and I finally found him.  I don't think your or I are too young at all.  I think its more about a person's maturity and understanding.  Many teen mothers now think its going to be fun to have this little baby who will love them and cuddle with them and they don't want to do any of the work of raising the child.  Right now my boyfriend's ex isn't raising the children her parents have custody because DSS came in and her parents didn't mention him at all so they were granted temporary custody and she is too busy partying which I find just appalling!  

  15. I'm twenty three, and I'm a great mom (with a son who will be two next month).  However, I don't think I was old enough- I certainly wasn't financially ready...  This is a highly personal decision, dependent on many factors:

    Are you in a stable relationship (preferably married?)

    Do you have sufficient time to raise a child  (not working and in school, or working many hours)?

    Do you desire kids at this point, and are you willing to sacrifice youthful freedom for parenting?

    I think these are important questions to ask before planning to have a child, and most of these qualities take time to develop.  

    I wasn't ready, but I sure got ready when my boy arrived!

  16. when you are married, have enough money, and are mature enough to care for yourself...

  17. I don't believe there is a blanket age in which is best to have kids....I was barely ready when I had my first baby and I was 27 years old.  Of course I didn't grow up with lots of babies around, so I had no experience with them, and I never baby sat other kids when I was growing up, so it was like a whole new universe for me.

    On the flip side, my stepdaughter is 19 and due with her second baby and she seems to be a great mother with lots of love and patience.

  18. no that's too young. if you're over 18 then you're an adult so that's not too young!  now 50 is too old to have a baby loL! there was this woman in the paper who had a baby at 53 - ew lol! that means when the baby graduates, the mom will be 71!!!!! like my grandma's age lol!!!!

  19. Well I don't belive there is one age out there that is right for everyone. Some people are mature, ready, and capable to start parenting at a very young age whereas others should (or do) wait until they are 30 or 40 and a select few never reach that maturity and don't (or at least shouldn't) have any children.

  20. no, back then people use to have children at a very young age. then when the human lifespan grew, society decided that women should wait longer to have children. in my opinion as long as you are over 18 it is perfectly fine.  

  21. I think as soon as your married is a great time to start having children!i

  22. i think being in  stable relationship and financially secure is much more important than age... lets face it some people are already there at 22 some people are still in dead end jobs in their 40's  

  23. I Don't Think 20 Is To Young Either. As Long As You Feel Like You Are Ready For Children Then I Think Any Age Is Okay..As Long As It's Not Too Young. I Think 20 And Over Is The Right Age To Start.

  24. personally i dont think there is an age to start having children. I belive when you are physically, emotionaly, and most important financialy ready to have a child and raise him or her then your ready. If you are 32 yet live in your moms house without a job and not even trying to find a job then hnestly i dont think you should be having children. that doesnt seem to be the case with you and just to let you know my mom was 17 when she had my older sister. My older sister was 20 when she got prego with my nephew.

  25. No I dont think thats too young. I think its when your ready emotionally and financially. Im 21 and I had my son 2 weeks 2 days ago. My sis had my neice when she was 19.

  26. no i don't think twenty was too young. i thought when i read this question i said oh god please don't be  a teenager. lol  

  27. If you can love them and provide for thm and you are in a healthy relationship I think thats what matters most...but I think they should be legal adults...20 is the youngest I would go. Personaly I want them around 25

  28. When you are mature, above minor age and financially able.

  29. Well, technically, there is no specific age. I am 21 and I just got married in June, and I'm already pregnant (honeymoon baby lol!). It depends on what your status is. If you are a teenager though, of course you shouldn't be planning on having a baby but it just depends on if you believe you can emotionally and financially handle it. I love being able to start in my 20's, nice and young. ^^

    Good luck!

  30. I believe above 17 is reasonable. And only if you have time for a child, money to support the child, and a house.  

  31. i personally dont think age is a factor,

    its maturity and financial stability.

    when you feel ready to have a kid both mentally and financially and you are mature enought o handle and take on the task of being a mother

    and you realize you are no longer being number one, then youre ready.

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