
I was just curious i have a 16 month old baby boy and for some reason every time i change his diaper he is ?

by  |  earlier

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always grabbing his little boy part and grabbing it hard and pushing it in. I think this is so weird he started doing it when he was 1 year old and only does it while changing his diaper why is that?




  1. Its very normal.  Once little boys find their parts, they pull and play with it anytime their diaper is off.

  2. Your child is just curious about his body parts. In this case his boy part, but there is no cause for concern. As children age they become fascinated with the workings and stimulation they receive by touching certain areas. All kids go through this phase. So you can relax and just go with it. For more helpful tips on future problems you can check out my site.  

  3. yes it is normal . my nine months baby boy does it at every diaper change . so don't worry  

  4. Are you serious?  He's just playing around, no big deal.

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