
I was just curious......

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my grand parents/great-grand parents have some unusual and interesting names. of course to me they are i have connected someone to that name that is a wonderful part of my life, but i am curious how other ppl see their names.

i have 3 surviving grandparents (which is pretty awesome considering I'm 31)- their names are

Betty (Elizabeth) Ann


Walter Carol Jr. (R.I.P)


John Orville (the Navy had to issue him the name John because he didn't have a middle name *during the Korean War*)


Thelma Idotha (pronounced eye-doe-tha, but we call her Dodie *Doe-tee*)

great grand parents-(i had the pleasure of knowing 3 of my 4 GGparents most of my life)

Mom's side:

Jewel Pinkney (nic-J.P)


Lessie (less-ee) Viola

Walter Carol Sr.


Vivian (?)

Dad's side:

William Jackson (nic-Pa Jack)

Josephine Rose (nic-Josie)


William Bill (yes i know Bill is short for William too but i dunno! that's what they named him lol)

Alice Rae

all my kids are named after family. some are listed some aren't.

so...what's your take on their names, and what combos would you make w/them?

oh and you can share your family names as well if ya want.





  1. Alicia Jules (altering 2 names a little bit)

    Elizabeth Rose (my cousin's name)

    Jackson Carol (JC for a nickname)

  2. actually i like them all.

    and i would probabaly use them all.

    they are great names.

  3. i love vivian. i think vivian ann would be a very nice and classy name. i didnt name my son after family. i didnt want anyone to feel left out.  

  4. i like them all and my kids are named after family too not all of them but some of them my kids

    Corydon Paul

    Lillian Claire

    Jonathan Oneal

    Peyton Lee


    mom side

    mom- lora lee

    step dad corydon michael

    grand mom - Bonnie Lou

    aunt Cindy lou

    grand dad- Paul Alan

    great grand mom- maxine and violet

    great grand dad alden and albert

    dads side

    dad- james matthew

    aunt carrie lee

    uncle casey oneal

    grandmaw cheryll francis

    grandad james oneal

    great grandmaws maxine and francine leanne

    greatgrand dad jonathan and carl


  5. I love the names Lessie, Viola, WIlliam and John, and Josephine.

    Josephine Viola

    Viola Lessie

    John William (My favorite of the two)

    William John

    My families names are:

    Maternal grandparents:

    Robert "Bob" Edward

    Monica Marie


    Theodore "Ted" Jerome

    Nancy Alta

    Maternal Great-grandparents (I don't know the middle names):

    Pauline & Maurice (pronounced like Morris)

    Margret & Joseph

    Paternal Greats:

    Earl & Beverly

    Stanley & Ionia

    Mom's siblings:

    Mary "Gigi" Jo

    Karen Lee

    Patrick Edward

    Lynn Anne (my mom)

    Colleen "Mimi" Marie

    Dad's Siblings

    Theodore "Ted" Jerome (my dad)

    Alta Beverly

    William "Bill" Scot

    Douglas "Doug" ?

    Their kids:

    Samantha Rose (Me)

    Sean Ryan

    Our Cousins Mom's side (don't know middle names):





    Dad's nieces and nephews:

    Daniel "Dan"

    ----his wife: Mary

    ----their kids: Clara, Alicia, Marcus

    Beth (Dan's sister)




    I think that about does it!

  6. I like Willam Jackson and Josephine Rose. Those are pretty good names.

  7. My grandparents name are:

    Mom's side:

    Tetsu Takashi

    Mizuki Fukamachi

    Dad's side:

    Maximillian Elliott

    Mei Ling Xiang

    It's Mizuki not Misuki. I think I type it wrong earlier with another question.

  8. William Orville Walter   W.O.W.!

    I love the name Walter and would love to see it come back.

    I could go for Walter William

    Josefina Rose for a girl    Josie Rose ( :

    Probably a safe bet is to just give the child a name of their very own with a family last name as a middle name if it's a boy. Not Carol, though (sorry)

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