
I was just given $2000. What would be the best way to invest it?

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I was just given $2000. What would be the best way to invest it?




  1. How about you sock it away in a IRA with any brokerage or mutual fund company. That way, all gains are tax deferred until you withdraw them after age 59.5.

    You could buy an index ETF (S&P 500, or broader market ETF or mutual fund (Vanguard is the cheapest I know of)). This is a low cost way to gain broad diversification and it requires very little in the way of management time. Just buy it and come back in a year to add more funds. No fuss no muss. Hold for the long term and you will be looking at some nice gains.


  2. If you don't need the money in the near future, sock it away in a index fund and sit tight.  I recommend Vanguard, they have the lowest expense ratios in the business.

  3. why don't you try forex trading. It gives you a great opportunity to make good returns and also allows you to trade 100 times the amount you invest. Good opportunity for those who looking for great returns.

  4. By talking with the investment people at your bank rather than asking on Y!A.   :p

  5. Stock market if you know how to invest in it

  6. You need to answer many questions before one could give you advice that means anything. How would any of us know what is best for you when we don't know your age, risk tolerance, investment horizon, what your existing portfolio (if any) look like, etc.. Check out the site below for free help.

  7. I would buy 420 shares of Adelor (ticker: ADLR) right now. They're a bio-tech company with zero debt and over $3.30/share in cash, a new drug recently approved by the FDA, a close working relationship with GlaxoSmithKline and rumored to be bought out before the end of the summer.

    It's a $7+ stock trading today around $4.70/share.

    Watch what happens to it from here;-)

  8. invest in Russian women and Cuban cigars and have a good time!

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