
I was just given a kitten about a month old?

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It was infested with fleas and had p**p stuck to it. I cleaned it but its eyes keep getting crusty and its r****m seems to be sticking out further than it should does anyone know what is wrong with this poor kitty???




  1. Please take the poor kitten to a vet first thing in the morning. Advantage is the only flea treatment that is safe to use on kittens. The crusty eyes indicate an upper respiratory infection. The kitten needs antibiotics from the vet.

    The r****m could be prolapsed, or the kitten could be suffering from digestive problems due to parasites or a bacterial infection. The vet can do a fecal exam to check for worms or bacteria and prescribe the necessary treatment. If constipation is the problem, the vet will know by the physical exam.

    Please take the kitten to the vet immediately. He could die without veterinary treatment.

  2. You need to get that kitten to a vet immediately and do not get a diagnosis on the internet.  It could have so many problems with what you have described.

    As for the flea issue: You will have to treat them every 10-14 days because the fleas lay eggs immediately upon hatching, and the gestation of the eggs are 10-14 days.  The best way I have found is to take your cats to get flea dipped, while they are gone, put flea powder on everything, and everywhere the cats are, and where you could have tracked them (pretty much the whole house) - flea bomb the house (obviously, leave as well) as directed on the can.  You will have to do this for about 6 weeks.  If you only treat once, they WILL come back - you must kill them 3-4 times.  Believe me, I have tried every which way - and unless you want to pay the exterminator several times, it can be done by you a lot cheaper.  Make sure you put away any items you don't want a layer of bug poison to be on (like food, makeup, toothbrushes, cups....)

    Good Luck

  3. the r****m to me sounds like worms! seriously WORM your kitten and all should come right,kittens with worms will poo non stop because its like humans with diorreah they think they have to go all the time and when humans do go it passes but with cats it wont stop till the worms are removed by medication,your kittens r****m is probably always out because it cant GET THE WORMS OUT so to speak,good luck and i hope i helped or i could be totally wrong and sorry if i am,but ive had cats and dogs all my life and thats the biggest problem. oh and for his eyes clean them with COLD WET TEABAGS ABOUT 4 TIMES A DAY,if you dont drink tea buy teabags put them in boiling water and let them go cold,then use them to wipe the kittys eyes  if this does not work in the next 48 hours take your kitty to the vert ASAP and i mean no longer than 48 hours,best of luckxxxx

  4. Get it to a vet as soon as please, it is far too young to be away from mum and will need specialist help.  

  5. Where did it come from?  That's way too young for it to be away from the mother. it's not weaned yet.  Get it to a vet ASAP, have it check out completely and have them teach you how to care for it, and what to bottle feed it if you can't get it back to its mother for any reason.

  6. sounds like kitten is constipated,and has for fleas you need to seek medical attention,fleas as on baby kitten can have all the blood sucked out of them and kill them..go the vets with the kitten immediately,don't waste anymore time it needs treating.

  7. Your kitty might have worms, and the crusty eyes may mean an infection.  You should take it to the vet ASAP.  Also, as a new kitty, he/she will need vaccinations, and the vet is the best to tell you about the schedule.  

    Here is a link from my vet's site to FAQ about cat problems (Dr. Wexler-Mitchell who answers questions in the Cat Fancy magazine)

  8. Sound like a vet appointment should be on top of your is a little young to be taken from Mom......Mom licks babies bottom to get them to go to the bathroom.  I am pretty sure over the counter flea stuff, for a kitten that age, can be harmful.....crusty eyes is a respiratory issue...sound like it may need antibiotics too.

  9. the poor baby needs a vet asap.  i'd take him first thing in the morning, if not to an emergency vet hospital right now.  hes way too young to be taken from his mother, and with the fleas, r****m and eyes he needs special medical attention quickly.  nobody wants a dead kitten.

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