
I was just given a red eared slider turtle, how big will he get?

by Guest66551  |  earlier

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I was just given a red eared slider turtle, how big will he get?




  1. 12-14 inches

  2. If you have allot of $$$$ and start out with a 60 gal plus size tank and great filtration system for Aquatic turtles I say do it!

    They are the cutest!

    Sliders, Cooters , painted ,map and yellow bellied are require the same care and feeding. I have two that are 36 yrs old!! Plus an 8 and 5 yr old.

    I have had them in a pond for about 6 yrs now..

    HOW big it is?

    they CAN get to be 12"

    Did you know that they need to bask under a reptile light for  8 to 10 hrs a day for the vitamin D that  they need to grow.

    Leave the heater on 75 to 78 degrees always.

    Their water needs to be clean otherwise they get sick easily from dirty water cause they p**p allot.

    You need a good filter system!

    You need to feed them feeder guppies, goldfish or minnows for protein and calcium daily.

    They need leafy greens for vitamins at least 3 to 4 times a week.

    And a big tank 55 gallons or more..

  3. 10-12 inchies typicaly, but Ive heard of up tp 18 inchies living 25ys, dont know how true on average though

  4. I just LOVE these gift questions.


    How big is the LEAST of your worries...

    He can get to 10" or over.  The rule of thumb is 10 gal. of water per inch of turtle shell length.  You can start small, and work up, but eventually?  You will have to house the beast in about 100-120 gal. of water or more.

    Oh, don't take me wrong.  I have and rescue these guys.  I love them.  You just have to KNOW what you're getting into.

    IF you don't have time, and money, and space?  THIS is the the time to find that turtle another home (and tell yer friend "TYVM, but!").

    Do your research.  There are no easy answers, and he won't be cheap.

    Yeah, it's a lot of reading, but if you WANT to be good owner, you will start there.

    I wish I could just type "all is well, and God bless."  I know better.  You have much to learn.

    The poor thing is in limbo, while you figure out how much water, and how big a tank, and how warm and what the heck is UVB?  What does it eat, and how often?

    I'd sincerely like to strangle gift turtle givers.

    So, read the links, like 'yesterday,' and figure out if this is the pet for you.

    Don't hate the friend who meant well (right off), but after the research?  Feel free to educated them on a choice of gifts.

    Animals are ALIVE, and have needs from the 2nd we incorporate them into our lives.

    I feel sorry for the "gift."

    Good luck, and I hope this has been helpful.

  5. Congrats on your new pet!

    A female will reach 7-9 inches while a male will reach 10-12.

    Here is a website where you can find lots of info on your turtle

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