
I was just put on crutches for a sprained ankle. Under my arms are hurting (I know it's from the crutches).?

by  |  earlier

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How do I stop it or lessen it.. I have to be off the ankle for a week than I can slowly start putting pressure on it... I am on Vacation right now and would like to enjoy the rest of it....




  1. The first rule of using crutches is that you should be abel to place two fingers between the top pad and your armpit, and never, never support yourself with your armpit.  use your hands, the top part with the pad is only to stabilize and rests against the rib cage. Look at the link. Good luck.

  2. Use your arms when you are using them NOT your armpits

  3. If your armpits are hurting is because you are not using the crutches the right way

    Im an expert with crutches now since I've been on them about 4 times, but the first time I was going through the same!

    You should use all of your arm strenght to move them this way you dont have to rest your armpits on the crutches, also the movement should be as if you were in a swing, kind of... thats how i feel it hehe if not it becomes painfull and tireing

    Its kind of hard at first, but by the end you'll have killer arms ;) hahaha

    Get well soon and I hope i helped!

  4. Never use your armpits to rest the crutches on or put pressure in this area, you can cause nerve damage. If fitted correctly it should rest at least 2 finger breadths from the armpit. You need to use your arm strength to propel. If you are still having problems see the nurse/physician or therapist who prescribed this for fitting and instructions

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