
I was just told I answered My limit og questions?

by  |  earlier

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I hav answered I believe three or four questions and Yahoo has told me it is my Limit for the Day.




  1. I didnt realize there was a limit!

  2. Weird, that just happened to me a few minutes ago and I'm level 5 and should have unlimited answers...I just went ahead and started answering again and it hasn't happened again.....must be a glitch or something.

  3. I got the same message three times yesterday.  But, if I clicked back and hit answer the question again it would let me do it.  Must be something wrong with Yahoo Answers.

  4. i've answerd more than 4 ?'s today and i haven't been told anything of the sort...

  5. yahoo is screwed up tonight, I had the same thing happen and I just went back and tried to answer the question again and was able too.

  6. I think they do this in an attempt to stop spam bots, although "man" seems to get past on every post...

    The amount of answers you get per day probably changes when your level goes up, and man is probably going to the limit for his level each day, but he just keeps getting more and more points for each answer he writes. I reported him earlier and ironically, the one I chose was "Spam and Advertisement" and he is doing both.

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