
I was just wondering about this.?

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It's been bugging me for a long time now...

I'll just be sitting somewhere, thinking, and a movie pops into my head. I think "Hmm, I haven't watched that in a really long time" then I forget about it and go on with my day. Then about 2-4 days later, I'll see it on the TV. It something that doesn't come on much like Tommy Boy or some really old movie that I haven't seen since like 6 years ago. It happens all the time and I know it's more than a coinsidense.

Sometimes I'll be thinking of a song then I turn on the radio and search through the stations and that song I was thinking of is playing and it's at the exact same spot.

When I'm driving along the road, I can feel and I know that something is going to happen. This one time I knew there was going to be something over the hill and at the bottom, something small and furry. About 10 minutes later when I finally got to the hill, there was a big skunk crossing the road.

Another time was today. I was at a choir practice thing and there were tons of people there! When it was over, I walked right to her car. There were hundreds of other cars and I knew exactly where she was and she never parks there, never. I wasn’t really thinking during this, I just walked.

Somehow I knew these things were going to happen but I can’t explain it. It’s just that these things can’t be a coincidence. I KNEW they were going to happen. Sorry if I sound a bit crazy. After years of this, I just finally want to know what’s going on. Is it just a coincidence?




  1. It could be subliminal clues though I think you would prefer some sort of mystical explanation, or parapsychological explanation, perhaps. There is an interesting book called 'How Real Is Real?' by  Paul Watzlawick if you would like a 'rational' type explanation of seemingly inexplicable events such as those you name. If you want something 'metaphysical' or 'psychic' then I'm sure there are lots of people who have written books about that too.

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