
I was just wondering how I could advertise my paranormal research group?

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I am a seasoned amateur investigator trying to advertise my new professional research group to the public. I was just trying to figure out how to do that. Any info anyone can give me will be greatly appreciated

Thanks in advance




  1. Hi Brian;

    One of the best ways to get the word out about your investigational group is to be interviewed by web radio stations in the field of "PARANORMAL," and there are dozens of such radio programs in cyber space. Part of the excellent PR these interviews provide is the advertisement of the upcoming interview on the radio web sites. Then, also the recorded interviews are archived for listening at a later date. This provides automatic hits on Internet search engines.

    I just started doing these interviews (in late July of this year) as promo for my newest book: A Ghost of a Chance. If you go to a major search engine and type "Eagan-Cox" the majority of the hits, (2 to 5 pages worth) were all generated from the radio interviews!

    I should caution you that this type of interview is often quite long, 1 hour or even 2 hours, so you need to be professional and very prepared. You say you are 'seasoned" so I am guessing you are of  adult age. I do not think professional radio hosts would interview if you were not an adult.

    You will need to have an attractive and compelling Publicity Blurb that outlines what your group is about and summarizes enough material that will make a 1-hour or 2-hour interview. Keep it simple and to the point and be sure to include the names of people in the group and the one person the radio host should contact as the spokesperson. The radio producer will set up the initial contact via e-mail.

    If you are not practiced at doing radio interviews then began practicing now by recording your answer to a set of questions, maybe someone in your group can help with this. CLUE for Q&A: Think; Who, What, When, Where and Why. When you play back the recording, listen for clumsy pauses, typically you will want to avoid the really horrible cliches: 'you know' 'hmmm' 'I see' 'and.'

    An Internet search using the key prhase "paranormal web radio" should get some good hits.

    As an author of the paranormal mystery novel: A Ghost of a Chance, I have very recently toured the web radio cyber network, and in fact am still doing so. My interviews have ranged from a brief 10 minutes to 2 hours. Most common is the 2 hour interview. Be sure to listen to examples of a host's program before you contact them, you need to do your background research and be familiar with the  host.

    If you care to email me through my official web site, I will give you a list of the web radio networks I have had very good experiences with.

    Put your name: BRIAN in the message line, or else you might be deleted!

  2. Website, Blog, make videos & post them on Youtube, news letters, make up shirts with your name plus website name and your team could wear them while working.

  3. The best way is by word of mouth, a website,  and business cards.   It may seem silly to hand out cards but it works.  

  4. Go to Google and create a free web site.

  5. I know, this sounds very trite, but you may want to start by using a service like MySpace.  Make a profile for your group, use the site to search for others in your area (or worldwide) that have the same interests; as well as searching for other groups with whom you can network.  It really is an amazing site in the ways it allows you to organize and search for people of like minds and like-minded organizations.  Blogging on the site will let people find out about your current work and get newly interested people involved.  You can also make a group on MySpace that allows you a personal message board to discuss topics and find even more people who would like to be involved.  

    Of course, it wouldn't have to be MySpace.  There are a number of online services that are similar -- Facebook, Live Journal, etc.  Why not make a profile on several to reach a bigger base of like minded people?

  6. A website is clearly the way to go. The first thing people

    do is key in "paranormal" and the name of their city or

    state. Therefore make sure the name of your city and

    state is very promenent in the title or first sentence of

    the website.

    It's much better if you write your own HTML code. It's

    quite easy and you can test it offline until you're happy

    and then just upload to your server. I use 1and1 dot com.

    They are very inexpensive and works great.

    Good luck,


  7. websites are good.  You can have business cards or brochures made out to be given out as the need presents itself.  I would be careful about putting investigation information out in a public forum like youtube or the internet in general.  It might cost you clients in the long run.  Our group just recently did a site but we put absolutely no investigation information in the site.  It is just a way to let someone know that we are around.

  8. First of all, make a website. Put an ad in the local newspaper (or try to get them to feature you in an article) Make a myspace, perhaps (but you should ALWAYS have a real website as well.) Let other research groups in the area know about you and swap contact information so that you may work together. Craigs list. The most important thing that will get you advertisement is word of mouth. In this community, a good reputation is key. If you don't know what you are doing and don't know what you are talking about, chances are your team will fail. And I'm not trying to sound mean or anything, but if you throw around the word "Professional ghost hunters" you will definitely get a lot of scrutiny from the paranormal community because there can be no professionals in a field that's not a profession and has no concrete answers.

    Good Luck


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