
I was just wondering if it was a possibly that im preggy?

by  |  earlier

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okay i was on birth control for about 6months and ive been off it for a whole month and it was the kind that only allowed you to have your monthly once every 3 months and last month was the month that i got my period ive had unprocted s*x mutli-times and used condoms some of the time he always pulled out( had s*x for about a month) but my period is like 6days or more late. it feels like im suppose to get my period ive had the pains for 3days now and no period am i pregnant or it is just from the past birth control? and i had barely to no spotting and i do feel sick sometimes i have to throw up but i never have too so please help!




  1. you need to wait another couple of days to take a test...maybe it will still come.. because your body is still trying to adjust itself from when you stopped taking your birth control pills.  it takes time for your period to be regular again especially if you only had a period every 3 months!! sounds like your not pregnant so no worries...just give your body time like i said to adjust itself to not relying on those pills!!

  2. Try re-reading your question again and you will know what to do (ie....have a test done)

  3. Yes, there is a possibility that you're pregnant, but from here anyone of us couldn't tell you for sure, that you are or aren't pregnant. So I only can advise you to buy a pregnancy-test and/or visit your gynecologist.

  4. It sounds to me like you might be.  I think you should make an apt. with your doctor ASAP.

  5. and I'M just wondering if it it a possibility that you can go to the store and get a preggy testy?

  6. go to walmart and buy a home pregnancy test

  7. Sounds like you want to be pregnant?  Why not take a pregnancy test?

  8. Let's face it, women often spend a lot of time wondering if they are pregnant or not. Sure you've got a symptom or two, but ar minds can do that to us.Ovulation An egg lives 12-24 hours after leaving the ovary.that is the time you can get pregnant. Ovulation can be affected by stress, illness or disruption of normal routines.I think you should look up  more info then go see the doc.Just remember it is harder then you think to get pregnant!


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