
I was just wondering if this is normal??

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i do this little thing where i like things straight like so my mouse mat ain't straight i gotta have it straight.

i cant help myself neither anyone else have this problem?




  1. my brother is exactly the same.

    but he dosnt see it as a problem like his bedroom is dead neat and tidy..not clean though!!

    i think quite a few people have it..its not a problem but dont know if it has a "name" to it.

    i wouldnt worry unless its bugging you..then talk to someone about it


  2. It's cool to be organized , just do not let it become OCD.

  3. Hey ! Well, I think some would call it OCD (obsesive Compulsive disorder) look it up on Wikipedia.

    Only you and a professional mental health care can figure out if this is what it is.

    If you like it that way, dude, OCD or not, that is what normal will be for you. There is not "normal" anyway, my mouse pad is always all over the place, one day points this way, later the other way, it flips and it moves and it never stays on the same place. If it were on the same spot all the time it would drive me nuts. Is this normal? It sure is for me!

    So yeah, it is normal.

    Just do not cross boundaries, if your girlfriend or a friend or anyone likes it their way you shall not try to "Arrange" their mouse pad (or whatever) to what you want it to be to make Yourself comfortable.. the day you begin to mess with "another" person's stuff or whatever.. that is when you should be wondering if that is normal and that won't be normal.

    I hope this helped.

  4. it may be OCD dont worry about it allot of people have it bad

  5. how is it a problem?

    you just like things neat, plenty of ppl do.

  6. Hey, it's normal. I'm also like you. I like certain things to be in certain position. Sometimes when I try to stop being like this, my mind will force me do to me so. But later, this habit will fade away. So, don't worry.

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