
I was just wondering what my element was and what my zodiac sign ment?

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i was just wondering what my zodiac sign ment and what my element was i was born January 1, 1994




  1. Capricorn: the goat of the zodiac

    GEM: Moonstone - this gem protect you from danger

    FLOWER: Oak gerantium - you are constantly open to true friendship.

    ASTRAL COLOR: brown - which helps keep you grounded and stable,

    COLOR NEED:blue in your environment helps you avoid becoming listless and disorganized.

    APPAREL COLOR:in you wardrobe, green is your power color for overcoming obstacles.

    FRAGRANCE:you are stimulated by a combination of greens and flowers, such as white roses, jasmine, and greenery. They give you feelings of elegance, strength, security.

    TREE:walnut - you are unusually helpful and always looking for constant changes in your life.

    BIRD:hummingbird -- this bird is delicate and graceful. It can remain still for hours, then dart off and be as busy as a bee.

    SYMBOL:crown - the universal sign of dignity

    HEALTH SCENT:strawberry - soothing by nature, the strawberry promotes self-esteem and encourages love.

    LUCKY NUMBERS: 1,2,11

    BEST MONTHS:march and november

    BEST DAYS OF THE WEEK:saturday

    BEST MONTH DAYS:1,10,19,28.

    LUCKY CHARM:a new penny in your shoe.

    HARMONIOUS SIGNS FOR RELATIONSHIPS AND PARTNERSHIPS: capricorn, taurus, virgo, and any one born from july 27 to september 27

    STAR: Vega - those with this star can be warriors in search of victory, especially in legal situations.

    ANGEL: Hanaeb - This angel shows us our worldly desires in order to give us strength when we are going through uncertainty.

    GUARDIAN ANGEL: Malachi - Messenger of Jehovah

    SPIRITUAL STONE:Sardonyx - this stone may cause people to be attracted to you.

    INSIGHT: A determinded individual, you do not allow anything to get in you way. You're aggressive when needed, but you like to appear to be the good guy. You can back away from the demands of others; the demands you will put upon yourself are overwhelming. Family is of key importance and it is where your loyalty lies.Sometimes you create contradictions in your own life. You are loved by all circles of people, but you need to be cautious with your language. At times your tone may be misunderstood by others.With your hands your a builder; emotionally, you're the foundation for others. Be cautious of what you carry on those shoulders. On your own you can be misguided. Learn to protect yourself better. Others find you irresistibly strong.

  2. Your Element: Earth

    Capricorn - The Goat December 23rd to January 21st

    The mountain goat is always climbing higher and higher toward the summit. He is sure-footed and never falls, and knows where he is going. Other animals cannot catch him because he simply climbs higher and looks out over the world from a safe and secure place on the mountain top. Astrologers think that the mountain goat is a good symbol for those born under the sign of Capricorn because they are the type of people who have a goal towards which they will work hard and long. Capricorn people usually have plenty of self-discipline and are successful in what they do.

    The most important thing to a Capricorn is achievement. He will tend to take life seriously, and it is important for him to be good at something. He needs to feel that he has a skill, something he can do better than anyone else. Capricorn people are hard workers and many of them make excellent teachers, lawyers and statesmen. They are also quiet and diplomatic and know how to be subtle and tactful in their dealings with others. It may take a long time for you to get to know a Capricorn person, because he is often serious and shy by nature.

    Capricorn is an earth sign, like Virgo and Taurus. If you are a Capricorn you will probably find that as you grow older it will be more and more important for you to achieve success in something and earn recognition for your abilities. Work is very important to you. Family life is equally important, and you may have a love of history and tradition. Your special and unique gift is your inner determination to succeed at what you want in life, and that means you probably will.

    © Liz Greene, 1977

    see here for more info >

  3. go works..!!!!

  4. your zodiac sign is capricorn and your element is earth. ur match will be very good with taurus and cancer. virgo, libra, sag will be ur good friend. u cant go for virgo partner but dont go for sag as ur partner. sag is fire element and it may bring some truble if ur sag partner is not sensible. best of luck

  5. You have exactly the same birthday as my little brother.  You're sun sign is Capricorn. Your element is Earth.

    Click here for more info:

  6. You are a Capricorn for Western astrology. In Chinese astrology you are born the year of the Dog. Since you're Capricorn, you are the element of EARTH.

    Capricorn (December 22--January 19)

    You can check more at

    And you can check your whole birthchart at

  7. Modality: Cardinal

    Element: Earth

    Ruler: Saturn

    Season: Winter

    10th Sign of Zodiac

    Metal: Lead

    Stone: Amber, Onyx

    Color: Purple, Brown

    Anatomy: The knee, bones, skeleton

    Keywords: tenacious, conservative, resourceful, disciplined, wise, ambitious, prudent, constant.

    Sun in Capricorn

    (The Sun is in Capricorn from approximately December 22 to January 19, depending on the year).  

    Capricorn is a feet-on-the-ground, eye-on-the-prize sign. Those with Sun in Capricorn have a realistic, grounded approach to life that can be seen no matter how dreamy the rest of the birth chart suggests. These people know how to do things, and to get things done.  

    Some Capricorns naturally turn their backs on things they deem too frivolous. They are very much concerned with things that are worthwhile—and that includes their own lives. Capricorns want to do and be something worthwhile. Like their Earth signs relatives, Taurus and Virgo, they need to feel useful and effective in the real world in order to be satisfied with their lives. But the Capricorn spin on the earth signs is that Capricorn possesses a stronger need for recognition in a worldly sense. They have a strong sense of society and its framework, and they feel most secure when they feel they are doing their part within that framework.  

    Capricorns like to pare things down, and take pleasure in the simple things in life. However, many are attracted to status symbols and these ones will wear the best clothes (tasteful ones!) and drive quietly impressive cars.

    Comparing Capricorns to their symbol, the goat, brings up some interesting analogies. Solar Capricorns can see into the future, and plan for it. They don't mind taking things slowly, but they absolutely aim to get to the top of the mountain in life! They make their way steadily and sure-footedly; and their strength and singleness of purpose are admirable.

    Capricorns can sometimes be rather lonely people, although they rarely let it show. They are often a little reserved—even standoffish. This is generally because they value all things practical, and they'll seldom wear their emotions on their sleeves, unless they have a particularly flamboyant Moon sign.  

    This is a sign that is surely the most resourceful of the zodiac. To some, Capricorns come across as unimaginative, but they can be enormously creative when it comes to the material world. They are generally very capable people with a strong sense of tradition and responsibility.  

    Many Capricorns have mastered the art of making people laugh. Their sense of humor can be of the deadpan variety—they're generally excellent at keeping a straight face. They can be bitingly sarcastic, too.

    Capricorns are not known for taking too many risks in life. They value the beaten track and things "tried and true". This is not to say they are stick-in-the-muds — they simply value the hard work laid down by those who've been around before them.

    Turn to your Capricorn friends for help when you need to really get things done. They'll have practical advice, and they'll help you organize and manage your life a little better. Capricorns are generally good with their "word", dependable, and rather loyal people.

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