
I was just wondering what people in the UK think about global warming? Political scam?

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Isn't CO2 that is blamed for global warming what trees and plants love? Besides isn't it possible that the Earth going through a cycle. And heres another thing in the 70's we were told that the world was going through a global cooling.




  1. I think it is overly exaggerated political hype.  The icebergs at the  poles have been  melting and the earth's climate have been warming up for centuries.

  2. Definitely a political scam, one they are using to raise vast amounts of money by taxing us for it.The government today are dreaming up more and more ideas of how to raise taxes using global warming as an excuse. Oil is expensive but i bet we pay more in tax per gallon than you pay for gas in the US. They even want to tax us as we enter major cities.Global warming is a reality but it is not because of human activity in fact temperatures were lower when co2 was at its highest. Oh here is another political scam ! In order to keep its market share and stifle up and coming third world countries global warming is being used to try and stop them doing the very things that we did on our way to prosperity. Funding is being withheld until they comply with our agenda and pressure applied. It is stifling growth. Scientists for years have used scare tactics, it gets funds, now governments are using it to raise taxes, with the full blessing of so called eco-geeks

  3. global warming caused by man is absolute bollox!! The planet isn't warming anymore, the antarctic has more ice now than it has had in years, temperatures are dropping

  4. The climate is cyclic, it has warmed and cooled before and we are still coming out of a mini ice age. Global Warming is a fact, and it is a natural phenomenon, BUT we aren't helping it. Yes, trees and plants do love CO2, but we've been cutting down rain forests (for one example) for years and drastically reducing the number of plants at the same time as generating much more CO2. How much of an effect we are having I don't know, but we certainly aren't helping the situation.

  5. Yes CO2 is fertilizer for plants. Study after study has shown that plants do better in CO2 rich environments. They also use less water in these environments.

    As far as the cycle, yes we are in a warm part of the cycle. So put on your shades and enjoy the warmth on the beach. Sure as heck beats sitting in an igloo freezing your *** off.

  6. your the type of person that is making this world too relaxed about a really serious issue. it isnt a political scam, havent you see the mass evidence collected to prove it.

    global cooling was an issue back then but now global warming is here and it's worse.

  7. its just the latest in a long line of government funded cons remember the aids scare or the one about how we were all going to die of mad cow disease.

    i suspect their two big global bug bears namely global warming and Islamic terror are just their latest way of keeping us under control. because when you scare people they do as you tell them.

    I'm of the age when i can remember the fear the governments of the world used to generate about the imminent threat of nuclear war. well surprise surprise that never happened either.they spent billions of our taxes on that rubbish to.

  8. London recently introduced a £25 fee for gas guzzling cars, and my city (Bristol) is gonna do the same. It's all a pile of c**p. The BBC is incredibly biased, but even with them trying to stifle science, 56% of the population doesn't believe we cause Global Warming. Channel 4 showed a really good Global Warming program this time last year, it's called the rGeat Global Warming Swindle, check it out.

  9. Yes, I would agree that this has now become a Political issue. There is absolutely no evidence whatsoever that Global Warming is caused by human activity. We have been led to believe that a scientific "consensus" has been reached, and that it's now "official" Unfortunately, many people have chosen to forget that science does not work by means of consensus. I challenge anyone to provide evidence that Global Warming is man made.

  10. I tend to regard it as a convenient issue for Governments to use to increase their power and reduce individual freedoms, in line with left-wing ideology.

    Most (obviously not all) scientists tend to be left-leaning politically, I think the reason for this is that they have an inbuilt belief in a 'rational' ideal which a centralising government would bring. Therefore the authoritarian requirements of governments which want to impose strong measures to reduce global warming (if indeed this is possible) tend to appeal to the natural political sentiments of the scientific community as a whole.

    This is why I think a majority of scientists now support global warming.

    I'm not suggesting that all the evidence is fake, or that the scientists are _totally_ wrong in their conclusions, but I do think that their political leanings tend to colour their conclusions.

  11. Its not a political scam, Government is quite aware that accepting responsibility for emissions damage to the environment must inevitably result in an economic downturn. So they have nothing to gain from scamming the public if they truly wish to solve this problem. In fact the scam from leadership would be to cover up the effects of burning fossil fuels and resisting the damage that would occur to our oil industry and the taxes they produce.

    I think on the whole people in britain are aware that there is a problem caused by our emissions. I think that Tony Blairs comment about not reducing his energy useage (flying) was alarming, (possibly counter intelligence) but maybe he thinks as an individual it wont make a difference- the same problem for all of us.The majority of people in britain have to focus on day to day survival so global warming is not a priority. As the climate is getting more extreme then maybe it will become more of a priority. Unfortunatley only the privelaged have time and money to be able to make big changes.

  12. No, it's not a scam. The earth IS getting warmer. But regardless of whether you, I or the government believe or care about it or not, the UK has to stop relying on non-renewable energy resources and quickly. If not for the sake of our environment (I don't understand the mentality of people who knowlingly trash the place they live- it's your HOME, surely you'd like it to be a nice place?) then for your finances and the ability to live a modern life. We're way behind many other European countries in terms of renewable energy production and development, but for no real reason. If the UK continues to rely on non-renewable energy resources then prices will simply escallate and escallate, ultimately with us being unable to AFFORD the way of living that we currently have.

    It seems people in the UK would rather put their energy into moaning about high fuel prices than demanding more renewable energy production and cleaner forms of trasport- it's out there, and it's cheaper than what we currently have, the government just knows that it can more or less do nothing until the public start kicking up a fuss.

  13. It is totally ridiculous to suggest that global warming is a scam. What would the politicians hope to achieve or gain? And don't say tax revenue as that is a no brainer. They raise carbon tax in an effort to stop us burning fossil fuels so the ultimate goal is the fact that they will receive no money because there is no consumption of fossil fuels.

      And don't suggest that plants love CO2 in an attempt to prove that it is good for the environment. The plants are on the surface and not growing in the upper atmosphere.

       Someone above me said that we were warned that AIDS was going to be the next epidemic... it is, but luckily in the western world all the talk and hype created awareness and education and then prevention, so we escaped the worst effects.

  14. Ah! the 70s global cooling myth, were are the mythbusters when you need them!

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