
I was just wondering why nobody charges in and...?

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Starts a war in the US of A- I mean, I'm not anti-American (I've actually met heaps of lovely Americans) but considering the USA charges into another country whenever their Prime Minister or President is being seen as 'unjust or undemocratic', how come America is saved the same 'courtesy'- after all, they DO have a war-criminal running the country who didn't even get the public vote...




  1. I know, but starting another war just wouldn't be right.....even if America need to be brought down to size.

    I firmly believe that the next generation of citizens will learn to LISTEN and work out issues first before blasting into other nations, all guns blazing.

    Well, it's wishful thinking, but when most of the old-school traditionalists are out the way, who knows? Things may be more peaceful.

    I'm not Anti- ALL Americans, but do struggle to understand most of their beliefs, (eg) the main one, "It's my RIGHT to own a firearm"!

    Hmmmm just because you CAN doesn't mean you SHOULD

    Interesting question by the way


  2. I wish I knew and I LIVE and am a citizen of USA gosh...i hate this country so much...and our on the news he said our country didn't have any problems. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA where ya from? must me a better place than here.

  3. i geuss no one wants to start an immediate war on america because they do have a good rep... of winning wars. thaey would also be lkely to have the british on thier side as well if it was a certain country... its also roumoured to have a lerge stockpile of missiles and weaponary so it could be a bit risky. and the country isnt landlocked so it would be difficult transporting troups into the country without them being shot down (or simalir) on the way there

  4. The main reason is trade. The world economy requires the US dollar, even if some nations don't need to trade with the US. Now, some nations have the ability to attack the US and reasonably expect to win, however the main reason they don't is because their economy will immediately suffer because of it. In essence, globalization has rendered conventional warfare irrelevant as nations can get similar results from investment and trade.

  5. One person's "war criminal" is another's hero.  People's vote?  Even if you accept your contention, realize that what happened was more important.  What happwend was an orderly transfer of power between 2 factions of governenment.  This by the way, in most of the world is accoomplished through war and revolt.  The US was able to let the rule of law and not the mob rule.  

    Now as to the war, read the news, we WON!!!  More importantly we won with a minimal loss of life.  In wars before, more lives were lost in a day than in this entire war.  Second we won with out destroying an entire country.  

    The US war machine could have won a lot differently and a lot sooner, had it not cared what happened to the citizens of Iraq.  The US military has the ability to lay waste to every buliding, every utilitiy, every resource.  That is not even mentioning "the Bomb".

    As for reputation, to Europe and the rest of the world, look at your maps, and remember were it not for the US the world would be a lot different.  Oh and don't forget the "Cold War", another war we won, the day the wall came down.

    Sorry, about the length, but really...

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