
I was looking at Britains rich list and I have nboticed a number of people are in recruitment. What is this?

by  |  earlier

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What exactly is recruitment. I know that it means recruiting men and women into a job or community but how exactly did they get rich doing it? Try to include as much detail as possible please.




  1. They could be running recruitment agencies, employers would pay them a commission or a fixed fee for finding staff.  Sometimes they take a percentage of the employee's wage.

  2. head hunters!!! people travel the world to find the best of doctors, surgons and anyone that on the top of thier game!!  pays really well

  3. Certain companies will pay thousands of pounds for someone else to find them high flying staff for their companies...this usually involves poaching staff from their competitors..large amounts are paid for this....they are in the rich list bcoz they then reinvest the profits in real estate...

  4. they recruite people for different jobs.....for example a company needs some people to do a small job for a day or two...a recruitment center offers these companies workers at a given rate i.e. £10 per hour..but they pay the workers the minimum wage let's say £ the difference is pocketed by the recruitment labour and when your desperate for a job to put food on your table you will take the cheap the rich get richer and the rest of us get ripped off...its called the western world..

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